编辑同志: 时光飞逝,不知不觉我已与《秘书》结缘多年了。每期杂志刊登的文章,我差不多篇篇必读。我被《秘书》那丰富的内涵、独特的风韵所深深吸引,仔细品味,心中有一种摆脱负荷的轻松感,暗自庆幸自己找到了一位挚友。近年来,《秘书》的内容更加生动活泼,版式更加新颖别致,每期都能发现几篇精品,颇为难得。以前,我喜欢看的一些杂志,有的一开始办得不错,时间一长,就不怎么样了。现在,蓦然回首,才发现,没有哪一份杂志能使我像对《秘书》那样情有独钟。
Edit Comrades: Time flies, unknowingly I have been with the “Secretary” for many years. Each issue of an article published in the magazine, I almost chapter reading. I was “secretarial” that rich content, unique charm deeply attracted, carefully taste, the heart has a relief from the burden of the load, secretly glad I found a close friend. In recent years, the contents of the “Secretary” are more lively and the layout is more novel and unique. It is quite rare to find several high-quality articles for each issue. Previously, I like to read some magazines, and some did a good job at the beginning, over time, not good about it. Now, looking back, I discovered that no magazine made me as soft-hearted as the “secretary.”