1999年2月1日,曾引起中央领导高度重视的广西合浦县“买官卖官”案,由南宁市中级人民法院依法作出一审判决:被告人何建林被判处有期徒刑8年。 何建林,男,1953年11月21日出生,广西贺州市人,汉族,大学文化,原任中共广西北海市委常委兼合浦县委书记,捕前系广西南宁地区行署副专员(副厅级)。 经审理查明,被告人何建林在任中共广西合浦县委书记期间,利用职务之便,先后收取他人财物13万元,并为他人谋取利益,其行为构成受贿罪。根据《中华人民共和国刑法》有关规定,南宁市中级人民法院依法作出如下判决:判处被告人何建林有期徒刑8年;被告人何建
On February 1, 1999, Nanke Intermediate People’s Court of First Instance handed down the judgment of first instance: He Jianlin, the defendant, was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment. He Jianlin, male, born on November 21, 1953, is a native of Hanzhou, Han nationality and university culture. He used to be a member of Beihai municipal party committee and secretary of Hepu county party committee. He was a deputy commissioner (deputy departmental level) of Guangxi Nanning district. Upon hearing, the defendant, He Jianlin, took office as secretary of Hepu county party committee in Guangxi, taking advantage of his position, successively collected 130,000 yuan of other people’s property and made profits for others. His acts constituted bribery. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of China, Nanning Intermediate People’s Court made the following judgment according to law: sentenced the defendant He Jianlin to 8 years imprisonment;