Dinosaur Extinction

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  Dinosaurs inhabited the earth for over 165 million years, during the Mesozoic Era.
  Most dinosaur species lived and died out during this period, but at the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), all remaining types of dinosaurs (with the exception of birds which had already evolved, and are widely believed to be descended from dinosaurs) died out. At the same time many other creatures also became extinct. In fact, all animals weighing more than 55 pounds (25 kilograms) seem to have died out!
  Scientists have proposed many different possible explanations for what may have happened, and why this mass extinction might have happened:
  Asteroid Impact Hypothesis
  An asteroid hit the earth.  Apart from the immediate impact of fires and flooding (if it hit the sea), this would have caused catastrophic (災难性的) changes in the environment because of the dust thrown up into the air blocking out sunlight.
  Volcanism Hypothesis
  Volcanoes (there is known to have been very active volcanic around this time, especially in India in a region that is today known as the Deccan Traps) could have caused catastrophic changes in the environment.
  The dust from volcanoes would have affected the climate, sulphur (硫磺) from volcanoes could have caused immensely strong acid rain, and poisonous substances such as selenium (硒) could have been released into the atmosphere.
  Supernova Hypothesis
  A nearby star exploded as a supernova. A nearby supernova would have bathed the earth in deadly radiation (辐射).
  Climatic Change Hypothesis
  Changes in the Earth s climate caused the mass extinction. This could have been caused by gradual changes in the positions of continents effecting ocean currents and winds, or by changes in the Earth s orbit around the Sun, or even by a relatively sudden greenhouse effects.
  Flowers Drugged the Dinosaurs Hypothesis
  The first flowering plants appeared during the Cretaceous period, and if dinosaurs ate them they could have been drugged by them.
  Mammals Ate the Dinosaurs  Eggs Hypothesis
  Mammals ate the dinosaurs  eggs. This used to be a popular hypothesis—but does not explain the extinction of many other species, especially marine species. It also does not explain why dinosaurs were very successful for millions and millions of years, during most of which time, mammals were also around.
  Caterpillars (毛虫) Ate All the Plants Hypothesis
  Caterpillars ate all the plants and there was not enough food for herbivores (食草动物), and eventually not enough meat for carnivores.
  Disease Epidemic Hypothesis
  The dinosaurs could have been wiped out by a disease epidemic (流行病).
  Although many scientists now favor the asteroid impact hypothesis, it is not yet actually certain that this is the reason why the dinosaurs died out. It is possible that one of the other theories might be the correct one. It is also possible, that there could have been several events which happened together, and between them, killed all the dinosaurs.
学校举行了小学数学优质课展评活动。五节课中,五位老师精心准备,运用多种教学手段,创设了丰富、生动的教学情境,设计了新颖、活泼的学生活动,成功地激发了学生的学习兴趣。这五位老师的课堂教学风格,他们的教育教学理念,深深地震撼着我;听了这五节课,让我受益匪浅。下面,谈谈我的几点看法。  一、创设有效的教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣  《数学课程标准》指出:“数学教学,要紧紧联系学生的生活环境,从学生的经验
【摘要】按照大学英语教学的一般要求,教师应着重训练学生的听、说、读、写、译等技能。鱼化龙文苑的“驻英特使”,为大学生提供完全免费的在线英语教学,让人深受启发。本文提出大学英语教学中的关键性问题,认为变压力为动力是学好英语的前提,学以致用是学好英语的关键,听得懂且能脱口而出是英语学习的高境界。  【关键词】大学英语 学习动力 学以致用 脱口而出  《大学英语课程教学要求》里对大学阶段英语教学的一般要
【摘要】学习汉语要从学生发展出发,着眼技能,提高素质,做到有目标地训练,有步骤地训练,形式多样地训练,提倡讲究方法的训练和综合能力的训练。以训练推动汉语教学的进程,以训练促进学生知能的转化,为学生真正把汉语作为学习交流科学知识的工具来使用奠定基础。  【关键词】汉语文 教育教学  一、小学汉语文的说写训练  在加强培养语感为目的的听读训练的同时,还必须突出提高表达能力的说写训练。练说。学生能够与他
【摘要】主体性的尊重可以说是现代教育一大特色,也成为作文教学不容回避的重大课题。作文教学中,无论从教学过程来讲,还是从培养人的终极认识来讲,都必须以发展学生主体性为基点,这是作文教学的手段,也是作文教学的目的。  【关键词】作文教学 主体性 终极认识 培养  作文教学的功能,在于依据语文教学大纲和学生身心发展的规律,将人类积累的写作基本理论知识,写作技能和写作经验转化为学生写作智能,促进学生身心发
If I can stop one heart from breaking,  I shall not live in vain;  If I can ease one life the aching,  Or cool one pain,  Or help one fainting robin  Unto his nest again,  I shall not live in vain.
Dinosaurs were amazing creatures, so here are some amazing facts about dinosaurs:  Some Dinosaurs Had Feathers!  Most fossils only preserve hard body parts, such as bones and teeth. However, recently
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