澳大利亚小说家蒂姆·温顿(Tim Winton,1960~)是目前澳大利亚“最多产、最负盛名”的作家,“几乎每部作品一经问世便引起批评界的注意,他的绝大多数小说都曾获奖”。“就像当年的斯托一样,他在澳洲文坛有‘神童’之称”(黄源深语)。自1981年发表《露天泳者》(An Open Swimmer)开始,他已出版了21部作品。这些作品已被译成25种文字,多部作品被搬上舞台和荧屏。他的小说《浅滩》(Shallows,1984)、《烟云缭绕的街道》(Cloudstreet,1991)、《土乐》(Dirt Music,2001)和《呼吸》(Breath,2008)曾四次获得澳大利亚最高文学奖迈尔斯·富兰克林奖,也是第一位获得该奖项最多的澳大利亚作家。《骑手们》(The Riders,1994)和《土乐》(Dirt Music,2001)还分别获得了布克奖提名。2006年,他被评为“100位最有影响力的澳大利亚人”。近几年,他还出现在了曾经是女王陛下专享的场合——澳大利亚在世国宝系列邮票上,并且是具有此殊荣的六名作家中最年轻的一位。本次访谈先后涉及到了生态、宗教、存在主义和超验主义等哲学思想,以及小说的主题和写作视角等话题。同时,作家还发表了关于澳大利亚、中国和美国文化的不同见解。从这些见解中不难看出,蒂姆·温顿具有强烈的生态意识和独特的写作手法。
Australian novelist Tim Winton (1960 ~) is currently Australia’s most prolific and most prestigious writer. “Almost every piece of work has drawn the attention of critics since its publication, Most novels have won awards. ” “Like Stow that year, he has a ’prodigy’ in the Australian literary world ” (Huang Yuan language). Since the publication of An Open Swimmer in 1981, he has published 21 works. These works have been translated into 25 languages, many of which have been moved onto the stage and screen. Four times his highest literary record in Australia, Shallows (1984), Cloudstreet (1991), Dirt Music (2001) and Breath (2008) Myers Franklin Award, the first Australian writer to receive the most awards. The Riders (1994) and Dirt Music (2001) also won the Booker Prize nominations. In 2006, he was named “100 Most Influential Australians.” In recent years he has also appeared on the occasion of his once exclusive possession by Her Majesty the Queenstown Australia series of stamps and is the youngest of six writers of this honor. This interview has touched upon such philosophical ideas as ecology, religion, existentialism and transcendentalism, as well as topics such as the theme and writing of the novel. At the same time, the writer also published different opinions on the cultures of Australia, China and the United States. It is not hard to see from these opinions that Tim Winton has a strong ecological awareness and a unique writing style.