At 298.15 K, the viscosity and density of the aqueous solutions of NaCl, KCl and their mixtures at different molar ratios were measured at very dilute to saturated and even supersaturated concentrations. By adding the cubic term of molarity to the existing extended Jones-Dole equation, the Jones-Dole-type equation can express the viscosity of the studied system in a higher concentration range. As the concentration increases, the next higher concentration need to be added. The viscosity of the mixture solution was calculated using the simple addition rule. The result is in agreement with the experimental value at low concentration. It can be explained that enough water is used to hydrate the ions and the interaction between the ions has almost no effect on the viscosity. With the concentration , The calculated value is smaller and smaller than the experimental value because the interaction between ions becomes more and more obvious and the respective concentration is increased due to the existence and action of each other.