采用荧光原位杂交技术对45S rDNA在栽培高粱×拟高粱、甜高粱×拟高粱F1的有丝分裂和减数分裂染色体进行定位研究。在有丝分裂中期染色体上2个杂种分别检测到2个杂交信号,在减数分裂粗线期、终变期、中期Ⅰ染色体上45S rDNA位于一个二价体上,说明这两个杂种携带45S rDNA的染色体为同源染色体。根据45S rDNA位点随细胞减数分裂过程的位置变化,表明这两个杂种染色体配对行为正常,平均构型为2n=2x=20(10Ⅱ),证明45S rDNA可作为染色体的一个识别指标间接地观察细胞减数分裂过程染色体的变化行为。
Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, the localization of 45S rDNA in mitosis and meiosis chromosomes of cultivated sorghum × sorghum, sweet sorghum × sorghum F1 was studied. Two hybrids were detected on the two hybrids on metaphase chromosomes. The 45S rDNA was located on a bivalents at the pachytene, metaphase and metaphase Ⅰ meioses, indicating that these two hybrids carry 45S rDNA Chromosomes are homologous chromosomes. According to the change of 45S rDNA locus with the cell meiosis process, the pairing behavior of these two hybrid chromosomes was normal with the average configuration of 2n = 2x = 20 (10Ⅱ), which proved that 45S rDNA could serve as an indicator of chromosome indirectly To observe the changes of chromosomes during meiosis.