对于企业组织而言20 世纪末的环境可以说是风云变幻,尤其是金融风暴和兼并浪潮大有席卷全球之势,市场环境瞬息万变,新的管理思想、观念和方法的不断涌现,使得传统的组织结构和经营观念不再有效。而快速反应、组织创新和信息技术已成为今天企业组织成功制胜的法宝。面临着这
For business organizations, the environment at the end of the twentieth century can be characterized by a changing situation. In particular, the tide of financial turmoil and mergers and acquisitions has greatly swept the world. With the ever-changing market environment and the continuous emergence of new management ideas, concepts and methods, the traditional organizational structure And business ideas are no longer valid. Rapid response, organizational innovation and information technology has become a magic weapon for successful business organizations today. Face this