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  “By water side short reeds bud and wild flowers teem; It is just time for the globefish to swim upstream”. Spring is the best season to taste the fresh and delicate globefish. Globefish can be poisonous if not prepared properly, just as the folk saying goes, you have to "risk death to eat globefish". Dare you eat it?
  Life is filled with imperfections: begonia is not fragrant, the Dream of the Red Chamber is unfinished, and globefish is poisonous. It is such imperfection that lingers in our minds and lures us to take risks. Globefish is one typical example. From ancient times to date, there is no lack of people, royal or ordinary, rich or poor, die of trying globefish every year. But globefish still attracts countless daring gourmets.
  It is not difficult to come by globefish. Each year around the Tomb Sweeping Festival (in late March or early April), globefish swims upstream from the sea to the rivers to lay eggs. Globefish cooked in various styles appeared first on imperial banquets before the recipes spread to the masses. Today’s various cooking methods, including steam, stew, fry, boil, or braise, have their origins date back to the ancient times.   To eat globefish, you need to first remove its toxin. Through environment control and formula diet, today’s globefish farms are able to reduce toxin level to national safety standard.
  A strict protocol has been kept for cooking globefish: take out eyes or cut off the entire head, skin the fish, remove innards without cutting the skin, place each part into a separate container, and wash its edible parts until no blood is left over. More stringent hotels will double check every part of the globefish before cooking. If any part was missing, the entire fish would be thrown away. Globefish chefs today are all certified so eating globefish is no longer a game for the brave.
  Japan- the globefish kingdom
  With over 10,000 tons of globefish consumed each year, Japan is no doubt the largest consumer of globefish. Globefish has entered the menu of upscale and common restaurants alike. In Tokyo alone there are over 1,500 globefish restaurants. But interestingly, globefish, pronounced as fugu in Japanese, is the only banned food for the Japanese royal family.
  In Japan, globefish eating originated in Shimonoseki and Osak. In Osaka, globefish cuisine appeared as early as in the 17th century. Shimonoseki, with its proximity to the warm sea, is the birthplace of globefish sashimi, where the make of the fish and sauce recipe has been developed for hundreds of years. The two cities use globefish of different sizes for their respective cuisine. Osaka hotpot uses globefish around 900g which can be cooked longer and make a richer soup, whereas sashimi uses globefish about 500g to ensure it is fresher and more savory.
  Extreme ways of eating globefish
  The Japanese has developed globefish eating to the extremes. Apart from the inedible blood, ovary, kidney, gill, and eyes, all other parts of the fish, including its flesh, bone, egg, brain, and even its toxic skin and liver, can be cooked in various ways. Some restaurants even reserve globefish liver for customers who want to experience a slight numb taste and the thrill of facing death. A most ordinary globefish restaurant could offer over 10 kinds of globefish dishes, including iced, sashimi, fried, boiled, roasted, smoked, and hot pot.
  Different parts of the globefish should be prepared differently. Sashimi uses fresh on the belly, back and trunk. To get the best taste, the sliced fish will be rolled up in cloth that are used for kimono lining to extract its extra water. After a day, the fish will be more transparent and easier to be styled on the plate. The remaining fish bones can be marinated in sauces and covered with bone powders to be fried into a unique Tempura.   视觉的享受
  What beverage and dessert go best with globefish?
  Wang Chentao, Chief Chef of Tianzheng Globefish
  For light flavored food like globefish, the flavor of the accompanying drink or dessert should not be too strong. I recommend hire sake and almond jelly. They are the most ordinary drink and desert but could enhance the flavor of globefish. If you can have an ice cream topped with Japanese black sugar supplied only in a globefish restaurant, that would make your day. But if you want to taste the most authentic globefish, you will have to go to Shimonoseki and Osaka.
  More Savory Than in Japan
  Globefish, shad, and cololabis saira have been known as the “three delis of the Yangtze River”. As a natural harbor for breeding globefish, Yangzhou has a tradition of eating river fish, including globefish. When the ban on globefish eating is lifted, eating globefish in Yangzhou in spring has become a must trip for may gourmets.
  The Yangzhong Globefish Recipe Collection is the epitome of globefish cooking. Collecting over 100 recipes covering traditional and modern methods from both China and Japan, the book establishes Yangzhong as the center of globefish cooking. Unlike Japanese cuisine which emphasis on feasting with eyes, Chinese cuisine focus more on the taste. Whichever cooking style is used, the globefish dishes could provide you a mixture of savory flavors. Different cooking styles could bring out different character of the globefish.
  红烧时需要特别辅以江边秧草(也称草头、金花菜,燕竹笋也可),简单过油之后放在锅里,以上汤和酱料调味炖,最能体现河豚的浓醇和肥美。而以秧草打底的作法可以增加口中的清新度,消解食鱼之后的油腻感。红烧出来的浓郁汤汁与热腾腾的香甜米饭混合在一起,更增添几许诱人香气。   除了红烧和白汁,扬州还有河豚蟹粉包和河豚粉皮汤等利用河豚做的传统菜。这些来源于民间、各具特色的河豚菜肴也都代表了扬州地区的水平。此外,扬州人在生吃河豚片时,盘上常常配着几片紫苏叶,旁边还衬托以萝卜丝、紫苏花等。这些植物并非单纯的装饰,它们既有爽口的作用,也有药用消毒的作用。例如,紫苏属唇形科的植物,其叶、梗、种子都是药材。而紫苏叶在传统汉药里有解除鱼蟹之毒、发散风寒之功效。
  Chinese Classics -White soup and braised globefish
  The most classic way of making globefish in Yangzhou is braise with soy sauce or white soup. White soup globefish is made by boiling globefish in chicken and bone soup, which produces a milky white soup and smooth fish texture. Cooked in the soup, the fish skin also taste juicy and chewy. The remaining soup can be used to make oil noodle.
  Braised globefish tastes better if complimented by lucerne. It is made by quickly searing it in hot oil and then stewing with soup and sauce. Lucerne placed at the bottom of the stew will add a fresh flavor to the stew and offset the grease. The braised soup could be served with hot rice.
  Apart from white soup and braise, there are other traditional globefish cooking methods such as globefish steamed buns and steamed rice rolls with globefish. In Yangzhou, sliced raw globefish is often served with purple perilla leaves , perilla flowers, or radish shreds to offset grease and remove toxin. In traditional Chinese medicine, the leaf, stem, and seed of perilla can be used as medicine to cure coldness and toxin of fish and crab.
  A simple but unique way to eat globefish
  Chen Qing, Director of Products of Kong Yiji Restaurant
  There is a simple way of enjoying globefish. Braise it with soy sauce on a stone plate with mild heat until the bones can be pulled out easily, pick the bones out, put in 2 bowls of rice and some spicy sauce, mix them up and braise a little longer, and you will have a traditional and delicious Yangzhou style rice. If you could resist the temptation to eat it up all at once, you could keep some rice at the bottom of the plate where the remaining heat will turn into a crispy crust.
阿尔萨斯位于法国北部,是法国与德国交界省份,从中世纪开始直到普法战争、一战、二战,这个古老地区几经易手,一直是法、德两国争夺的对象。阿尔萨斯究竟拥有怎样的魅力,让高卢人和日耳曼人都垂涎于此?  或许仅仅一条著名的“葡萄酒之路”便足以回答这个问题。这是孚日山下的一条绵延170公里的公路,沿途除了葡萄园美景,还点缀着不绝于目的古老钟楼、17世纪遗留至今的酒庄建筑。驱车一路向北,当你寻找到自己认为最美的
一头卷发、英俊帅气的Thomas Flohr正专心聆听电话那头的声音,几乎每周,他都会听远在北京的同事汇报中国市场的情况。自从Thomas Flohr 2004年创建Vistajet公司以来,这位来自瑞士的航空业精英一直专注于无间断、点对点地进行全球覆盖发展战略。2012年3月,Thomas Flohr与北京航空公司结盟,目的是通过后者进入中国市场,扩大在中国的包机业务网络。2012年底,他签订了
对于成天飞来飞去的商务人士,在机场等待的时间越来越令人发指了。现在机场越修越大,转一次机就像参加一场竞走比赛,加上时差的困扰,停留在机场的时间常常让人觉得疲惫不堪。这时候,如果能在转机间隙、登机之前做一个舒适的SPA,那一切疲倦、肌肉紧绷、凡尘俗世都将烟消云散。相比之下,贵宾厅里的软沙发、小点心简直就弱爆了。  在机场做SPA,其实在很久以前已经是频繁乘坐飞机的商人、旅行者们热衷的一种休闲方式。没
金丝楠木因金丝闪耀而得名,加之皇室御用,故而给人尊崇贵气的印象。其实与这种习惯性的华贵印象不同,金丝楠在传统文化中具有极强的“书卷气”,是与文化人走得最近的一种珍贵木质。  Gold silk phoebe zhennan got its name from its golden texture and is known as a noble wood as it is traditionally
享誉全球的威士忌文化圣地尊尼获加尊邸于近日推出首席调配大师吉姆·贝弗里奇(Jim Beveridge)的又一全新力作——尊尼获加私人珍藏系列2016限量版威士忌。该款威士忌臻酿全球限量发售8888瓶,定价5388元/瓶。用于调配私人珍藏2016限量版的苏格兰威士忌原本只为调配大师私藏所用,由调配大师从百余桶尊尼获加甄选窖藏中精心挑选而出,极其珍贵稀有。其中还包含了一小批只用于调配大师个人创作的私有
他们为什么需要古董相机  从1839年法国工程师达盖尔发明了相机,摄影迅速在全世界流行,成为当时的一种时尚。早年相机诞生之初,摄影是十分复杂的事,人们需要用马车搭载摄影器械走几个街区去拍照,而王公贵族们更是乐意在相机前一动不动地站上几个小时,只为获得足够的曝光时间,为自己留下一张珍贵的影像。  人们对古董相机的收藏最早始于20世纪初,当时美、英、德、法、日等国家便有人在自己家里收藏一定规模的木质古
芝华士再度找寻良友,携手漫游家(Globe-Trotter)共同推出“芝华士12年漫游家摩登绅士限量礼盒”,通过结合附有历史感的旅行箱元素,为摩登绅士开启全新难忘旅程。  芝华士发现旅行者们乐于通过在行李箱上贴有各地特色的贴纸来记录他们曾游览过的城市胜地。这些贴纸不仅是一种纪念品,更是绅士们视野和阅历的见证。因此,“芝华士12年漫游家摩登绅士限量礼盒”便采用旅行箱上的配件与世界各地具有代表性景点的
古巴雪茄名声在外,没有人会怀疑这个气候犹如天然保湿罐的国家,出产了全世界最好的雪茄。然而将古巴雪茄看成唯我独尊、非古巴雪茄不抽,这也非资深雪茄客的作为。  以被传颂得神乎其神的高希霸(COHIBA)雪茄为例,许多人提起这个牌子,都会肃然起敬,因为这是卡斯特罗这位雪茄王国最高统治者从不离手的雪茄。可资深雪茄客们明白,世界各地雪茄客手中的高希霸只不过是一个品牌,和卡斯特罗每天吞云吐雾的特供产品绝非一回
上世纪80年代后期,随着中国传统文化的复兴,美术界一批有识之士力倡传统笔墨。徐福山以其对中国书画的深层理解与感受,并持“文化自觉论”,在美术界高倡“中体西用”之说,且身体力行,写诗、作画、习书,走诗书画相融的艺术之路,此其高怀雅识也。中国绘画学习西方已百余年,今天或已具转变之机,徐福山的探索对中国美术未来发展是有益的。  雄鹰在林睨天下  “福山的画走的是传统文人画的路子,其绘画主要以大写意花鸟为
是否为你的公务机选择了一个合适的“国籍”,会直接关系到你购买、维护公务机的成本,以及你使用公务机的便捷性。  根据国际民用航空公约规定,每一架飞机和每一个人一样,都必须有一个“国籍”。按行话说,它需要在某一个国家注册。一个人是否入外籍,也许会牵扯到民族感情问题。一架飞机是否入“外籍”,所涉及的却是非常实际的利益。例如,你的飞机加入哪个“国籍”能帮你省下上千万美元的税款?加入哪个“国籍”每年能为你节