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  Gold silk phoebe zhennan got its name from its golden texture and is known as a noble wood as it is traditionally used by the imperial family. But what distinguishes it from other wood is its literati qualities.
  Gold silk phoebe zhennan has a unique scent that could expel termites.Good gold silk furniture looks golden and noble, but the best ones have natural patterns as smooth as the lines in a water and ink wash painting.
  From early Ming dynasty to late Qing Dynasty, gold silk phoebe zhennan had been logged from the southwest mountains under imperial order and transported by water or road to the capital where the centuries-old wood were made into palaces and furniture for the royal family.
  The wood has been favored by the imperial families not simply because of the golden lines in its texture, but because of its architecture values.
  Unlike other “soft wood”, gold silk phoebe zhenna is unusually hard and rot-resistant. Just as European architecture is characterized with stone, ancient Chinese architecture features the extensive use of wood. The character of gold silk phoebe zhenna makes it a perfect material for imperial palace architects. Archaeological findings suggest that the Erpang Palace, the most magnificent building complex in the Qin dynasty, was built mainly with gold silk phoebe zhennan. The Ming and Qing dynasties are the peak times of gold silk phoebe zhennan usage.   The exclusive use by the imperial family and the unique texture of the wood gives a flavor of nobility to the wood, but what attract intellectuals is its literati qualities.
  Gold silk phoebe zhennan has a unique scent that could expel termites. In ancient times, the imperial family and men of letters store books, calligraphy works, and paintings in cases made of the wood. Its “scent of books” or literati qualities make phoebe zhennan furniture a sought-after collectible to men of letters. Good gold silk furniture looks golden and noble, but the best ones have natural patterns as smooth as the lines in a water and ink wash painting.
  Because of its popularity among intellectuals and its durability, gold silk phoebe zhennan furniture, mostly made in the Ming and Qing dynasties, can be found in significant numbers today. The gold silk market was a niche market over 20 years ago, but with the increasing popularity of traditional Chinese culture, a mature market has been developed around the wood.
  How should we collect and appreciate gold silk phoebe zhennan? The following stories may provide you some insight.
  Zhang ChuanlunLove The Scent
  Zhang Chuanlun collects Qing, or chime stone, and is willing to spend hugely on chime stone holders tailor-made with precious wood such as red sandalwood or yellow rosewood. But gold silk phoebe zennan is his favorite, because it is the most “scholarly” of all wood.   Zhang Chuanlun is a writer. Collection is only his hobby. But he has a habit of acquiring literati collectibles. His two writing teachers, Fan Zeng and Dongqiao, also collect such objects. To him, collection, art, literature, and Chinese culture are all connected.
  Appreciating gold silk phoebe zennan is one of the important pastimes of intellectuals, who would frame paintings or calligraphy works with the wood, not for its golden look, but because of its literati qualities. It is known among painting and calligraphy collectors that “Good paintings are always framed with soft wood.”
  The more time he spends on the wood, the more he gets to understand its literati qualities. Sometimes after completing a calligraphy works, he would frame it with gold silk pheobe zhennan and enjoy the blended scent of paper, ink and the wood. It is a scent no men of letters could resist.
  His teacher and friend Dong Qiao is also a gold silk pheobe zhennan lover. Years ago, he mentioned in a casual chat that he really missed his gold silk pheobe zhennan round-backed armchair which was lost years ago and wanted to make a new pair with ancient wood. Zhang also wanted to make two round-backed armchairs at that time, so he went all the way from Tianjin to a classic furniture store in Gaobeidian, Beijing and bought two pieces of centuries-old gold silk pheobe zhennan
  The wood was made into two pairs of armchairs, and he gave the bigger ones to Dong Qiao. Although the wood was not as pricy as it is today, it was still quite a stroke of luck for him to get the desired wood. As if by coincident, 10 days after his purchase, the price of old gold silk pheobe zhennan went up by many folds. It is difficult to find good raw materials nowadays, not to mention fine quality gold silk furniture. Many furniture makers tried to make innovated furniture, but often ended up wasting good materials.
  He recalled that, years ago, when cultural relic expert Mr. Liu Jiajun was invited by furniture makers to offer his perspective on their innovative designs, Liu was silent when he was introduced to the so-called innovations, but when he saw the storage of quality wood in the warehouses, he spoke up and advised the furniture makers: “Do not use them for your innovations”.
  If you have a good piece of wood, it is important to find a reliable maker. When Zhang Chuanlun assigned the making of the chairs to a seasoned carpenter, the carpenter knew it was good wood but insisted that “I can take the job, but the design should be decided by me.”   Good gold silk pheobe zhennan furniture is balanced in structure and pattern and always not painted or waxed. “Good furniture is soft, modest, but comfortable. To appreciate old gold silk phoebe zhennan furniture, you need not only money, but also knowledge of the wood.”
  Chen HuapingAppreciate The Pattern
  Chen Huaping is known as Mr. Zhennan among gold silk phoebe zennan collectors. Son of a carpenter, he has been introduced to various wood since childhood. His father got into the gold silk phoebe zennan business in the 1980s. But it is not until over 10 years later when he visited Prince Gong's Mansion in Beijing and was impressed at the tall and straight pillars made of gold silk phoebe zhennan that he started to develop an interest.
  The more he studies and appreciates, the more he is attracted to the appearance, scent, and culture of the gold silk. He has collected a large number of antique gold silk phoebe zennan furniture since then and became one of the earliest collectors of the gold silk in the 1990s.
  In 2000, he created his first gold silk phoebe zennan works. It was made of a tree root he acquired from a village in Southern China. He and his friend sculpted it into a 2 meter by 2 meter sculpture featuring nine dragons around the hole in the middle. The “Nine Dragons Golden Vessel” was awarded gold prize at the 2012 China Arts and Crafts Award Ceremony. The more he collects and crafts, the more he is fascinated with the pattern on the wood. One of his recent collections, for example, has the pattern of universe and planets. He bought the wood, named by himself as Creation, at the price of a car years ago, today he would not sell it if he is offered more than 1 million RMB.   Like many other collectors, Chen Huaping runs his own business, and collection is just a hobby. Appreciating the wood pattern helps him relax after a day’s work. “The gold silk phoebe zhennan looks ordinary at most times, but under light, it shines brilliantly. We can learn a lot from the wood.”
  His pursuit of wood patterns does not stop at water wave or landscape. Over the years, he has discovered and named many new patterns of the pheobe zhennan, which were gradually recognized among collectors.
  As the market matures, he told U-Jet, the price of the wood has also stabilized. Depending on the pattern, size, place of origin, color, craftsmanship, and scent, the price of the wood may range from 10,000RMB/ton to 2 million RMB /ton. Good pattern promises good price, and the details in a pattern will also affect the price. The water wave pattern, for example, could be priced differently with different depth and color of the waves. In addition, the bigger the size, the price will be disproportionally higher.
  He advises novice collectors to start with small objects such as a bracelet to understand the nature of the wood before acquiring larger objects. If budget allows, furniture would be a good choice for collectors.
  Cao DimingInherite Before Innovate
  A little over 20 years old, Cao Diming is already a member of the Appraisal Committee of Civil Collectibles of China, and the 4877th member of the UNESCO International Organization of Folk Arts. As successor to his family business, he is directly involved in the sourcing and sales of collectibles. More importantly, he is the inheritor of the gold silk phoebe zhennan culture.   His affection with the wood dates back to his teenage years. When he saw the gold silk phoebe zhennan furniture in a group picture he took in the house of a friend, he was drawn to the shiny and silky texture of the wood. It was the first time he realized the beauty of gold silk phoebe zhennan.
  It is hard for him to identify a favorite among his many collections, but a gold silk phoebe zhenan square table brought back his memories. When he visited a friend years ago, he was drawn to a Ming style square table owned by the friend. The five-inch-thick table is made of the wood of one tree, which is rare to find. He had been working in the Imperial Palace Museum for years by then, but he acknowledged that “I have never seen a better table in all museums of China.” It is as valubale as any national treasure. Even back in the Ming dynasty, that round legged and exquisitely designed table could be a tailor-made belonging to a member of the imperial family. As a seasoned collector, he knew he should seize the rare opportunity. He kept working on his friend till 3 am of the following day until his friend agreed to sell it to him. The price was of course incredibly high. He transported it home with his SUV and hand carried the over 50kg table to his duplex house on the six floor.
  In his eyes, the whole experience of meeting, appreciating, and collecting a object gives him the best fun. Gold silk pheobe zhennan lovers are invariably lovers of classic culture. The making of phoebe zhennan furniture and art crafts requires even deeper understanding of traditional culture. He believes that makers of zhennan furniture should first learn and inherit tradition before innovating. Too much emphasis on creating new Chinese style or new classic styles often end up with lifeless designs that could not stand the test of time, wasting the already scare supply of ancient pheobe zhennan wood.
阮一凡  1969年生于台湾,毕业于美国波士顿大学音乐研究所,师从波士顿交响乐团的传奇小号首席罗杰·佛桑,并曾担任台北《古典音乐》杂志专栏作家,发表30多万字的古典音乐评论与国外音乐大师专访文章。除音乐之外,他兴趣非常广泛,曾在台北投资开设“罗西尼”法式餐厅,对美食美酒、雪茄、烟斗等都有相当深入的研究  这是古巴革命后最知名也是最昂贵的品牌。它的诞生故事也是传奇。1963年比昂文尼多·培瑞兹拿了一
在澳洲的大堡礁,找一个没有人的珊瑚礁,如此,唱歌、跳舞抑或对着大海发呆,会是另外一种味道的情人节,这个时候的澳洲水清沙白、阳光正好。  左上/南美的金刚鹦鹉,也可以对对飞,在灰色的大地背景下,它们就是这个世界唯一的色彩。  左下/火烈鸟是一种飞速极快的动物,当上万只火烈鸟一起飞行时,像极了一个现代化的军团。只是,远远地看过去,他们亦有温和的浪漫。  右/在荒芜的沙漠上,两头行走中的长角羚成了唯一的
2013年12月19-20日,由AOPA-China主办的第三届中国低空经济论坛在北京召开。随着低空开放政策进一步推进,通航产业进入了“通向繁荣前的短板期”。国家政策为人们画出了一个繁荣的未来,可放眼当下,人们看到的通航却是一个百废待兴、短板累累的现实。如何度过这个“短板期”,中国通航产业短期未来的方向在哪儿?最急需做的是什么?参与论坛的通航人围绕这些问题发表了自己的看法。  建民航机场不如建通航
飞机坠毁了,飞行员怎么会安然无恙,而且还要求重新飞一次?其实,他飞的并不是真实的飞机,而是一种高性能的全动态飞行模拟器。在模拟器上,仪表盘、操纵杆、起落架开启装置、通讯系统、信息系统等一应俱全。  这种模拟器既可以定义为一种飞行培训设备,也可以说是一种大玩具。它的虚拟软件能模拟出真实环境和气候,如果你想去阿尔卑斯山飞,它能瞬间让你置身阿尔卑斯山脉。180度的显示屏将会呈现出真实的阿尔卑斯山景色。随
达索猎鹰公务机的设计、制造,以及航电系统和发动机的配置,在同级别的机型中,均以最高标准完成。自从1963年推出第一款猎鹰20以来,至今已经向全球交付了2000多架猎鹰喷气机。达索猎鹰公务机在中国的市场占有率不是最高的,但口碑却是首屈一指的。  ——贾可博( Jean-Michel JACOB )  猎鹰5X独有公务机里最大的客舱,驾驶舱采用了达索屡获殊荣的最新一代EASy,动力采用全新的Snecm
虽然中国人常常以火锅而自豪,可火锅并非我们的专利。在世界各地,还有着许多种各具特色的火锅。日本就拥有不少的风味火锅,例如著名的寿喜烧,那是一种以牛肉或鸡肉为主、看起来既美丽又能勾起食欲的火锅。  中国人最熟悉的欧洲火锅,应该是瑞士的奶酪火锅。早先时候,瑞士农夫在冬天用随身携带的小锅融化乳酪,再蘸面包吃,这就是奶酪火锅的前身。  除此之外,印度、泰国、意大利、韩国等国的火锅也带有很鲜明的传统饮食特色
阿尔萨斯位于法国北部,是法国与德国交界省份,从中世纪开始直到普法战争、一战、二战,这个古老地区几经易手,一直是法、德两国争夺的对象。阿尔萨斯究竟拥有怎样的魅力,让高卢人和日耳曼人都垂涎于此?  或许仅仅一条著名的“葡萄酒之路”便足以回答这个问题。这是孚日山下的一条绵延170公里的公路,沿途除了葡萄园美景,还点缀着不绝于目的古老钟楼、17世纪遗留至今的酒庄建筑。驱车一路向北,当你寻找到自己认为最美的
一头卷发、英俊帅气的Thomas Flohr正专心聆听电话那头的声音,几乎每周,他都会听远在北京的同事汇报中国市场的情况。自从Thomas Flohr 2004年创建Vistajet公司以来,这位来自瑞士的航空业精英一直专注于无间断、点对点地进行全球覆盖发展战略。2012年3月,Thomas Flohr与北京航空公司结盟,目的是通过后者进入中国市场,扩大在中国的包机业务网络。2012年底,他签订了
对于成天飞来飞去的商务人士,在机场等待的时间越来越令人发指了。现在机场越修越大,转一次机就像参加一场竞走比赛,加上时差的困扰,停留在机场的时间常常让人觉得疲惫不堪。这时候,如果能在转机间隙、登机之前做一个舒适的SPA,那一切疲倦、肌肉紧绷、凡尘俗世都将烟消云散。相比之下,贵宾厅里的软沙发、小点心简直就弱爆了。  在机场做SPA,其实在很久以前已经是频繁乘坐飞机的商人、旅行者们热衷的一种休闲方式。没