从稻褐鞘病病草和病种中分离到两类溶菌斑大小不同的噬菌体,以小溶菌斑(直径1~2mm)的噬菌体较多,寄主范围测定结果,其噬菌体专业性较强,最多能侵染供测的25个褐鞘菌株中的5个,只有1个噬菌体能侵染5个其它的xanthomonas campestris 致病变种中的稻白叶枯菌,病菌初侵染来源研究证实,病谷、室外过冬病草,棒头草和狭跗线螨都可带菌,因病害在抽穗期才发生,认为捧头草和螨带菌作初侵染来源可能性更大。
Two types of bacteriophages with different sizes of bacteriolytic plaques were isolated from the brown cloven sheath blight and the diseased species. Most of the bacteriophages with small bacteriolytic plaques (1 ~ 2mm in diameter) were found in the host range, and their bacteriophages were the most specialized Five of the 25 brown sheath strains that could be infected could infest only one phage that could infect 5 other leaf blight of xanthomonas campestris, , Winter wintering grass, clubhead grass and Nar tomahawk can carry the disease, because the disease took place at heading, it is considered more likely that the head grass and mite carry the initial source of infection.