手动设置感兴趣区 (ROI)比较费时费力 ,且受主观因素影响。笔者利用北京协和医院核医学科的ElscientApexSP 6SPECT仪 ,使用CLIP语言编制了自动设置ROI的程序 ,现报道如下。1 设置ROI的CLIP编程流程。①首先由用户预先定义ROI的位置和大
Manually setting the Region of Interest (ROI) is time-consuming and laborious, subject to subjective factors. The author used the Elscient Apex SP 6 SPECT instrument of the Nuclear Medicine Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital to use the CLIP language to compile a procedure for automatically setting the ROI, which is reported below. 1 Set up the CLIP programming process for ROI. 1 First the user predefines the position and size of the ROI