防治结合 强化监管 不断开创安全生产工作新局面

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麻阳苗族自治县扼三省五区八县交汇处,素有“湘西门户”、“武陵码头”之称,道路、水上交通线长面广,安全管理工作任务特别繁重。2002年,该县认真贯彻执行“安全第一,预防为主”的安全生产方针,强化组织领导,密织联防网络,采取过硬措施,加强监控,狠抓落实,四项安全指标数与2001年度同比分别下降了23%、44%、36%和25%,全年没有发生一起重特大事故,实现了“一无四下降”的良好安全态势,在怀化市安全工作综合测评中名列榜首。一、抓组织领导,确保四个到位实践证明,要抓好安全工作,预防和减少安全事故的发生,关键在于提高思想认识,加强组织领导。为此该县狠抓了四个到位:一是领导力量到位。年初,县委、县政府明文规定,安全工作实行党政双重管理,在明确党政一把手负总责的同时,县委确定由分管政法的副书记和政法委书记,抓稳定和安全;县政府由常务副县长及一名助理调研员具体负 Mayang Miao Autonomous County of the three provinces and eight districts eight interchanges, known as “the gateway to western Hunan”, “Wuling pier,” said the road, a wide range of water traffic lines, safety management tasks are particularly heavy. In 2002, the county conscientiously implemented the safety production guideline of “safety first and prevention first”, strengthened the organization and leadership, strengthened the defense network, took excellent measures, strengthened the monitoring and control and implemented the safety guidelines Year-on-year decrease of 23%, 44%, 36% and 25% respectively over the same period of 2001. No serious accident occurred during the year and a good safety situation of “no drop in four” was realized. In the comprehensive evaluation of safety work in Huaihua City Top of the list. First, grasping organizational leadership and ensuring that the four places have been put in place Practice proves that to do a good job in security work and prevent and reduce the occurrence of safety incidents, the key lies in raising the level of ideological understanding and strengthening organizational leadership. To this end the county pay close attention to four in place: First, the leadership in place. At the beginning of the year, the county party committee and the county government explicitly stipulated that the safety administration shall implement the dual management of the party and the government. While clearly defining the top responsibility of party and government leaders, the county party committee determined that the deputy secretary in charge of politics and law and the secretary of the political and legal commission should give prominence to stability and security. Deputy magistrate and an assistant researcher negative
8月17日下午,山东新汶地区突降暴雨,24小时降雨量达228毫米,引起山洪暴发。下午2点半左右,紧邻山东华源公司矿井的汶河大约50米长的河堤被冲垮,洪水直接灌入矿井。井下作业的756名矿工安全撤出了584人,其余172人,因为洪水在短时间内切断了矿井的升降机电源而被困井下。尽管目前井下积水的抽排速度已增加到每小时近2000立方米,但随着时间的推移,被困矿工生还机会越来越小。  山东华源矿业公司煤矿
目的观察热休克反应对大鼠视网膜缺血再灌注损伤的防御作用. 方法将20只Wistar大鼠20只眼随机分为4组,每组5只大鼠.行前房灌注(perfusion)平衡盐溶液制造急性高眼压模型,为高眼压组(P组);在制造急性高眼压模型前24 h向大鼠腹腔内注射槲皮素(quercetin) (400 mg/kg),为高眼压+槲皮素组(P+Q组);在制造急性高眼压模型前24 h热休克(heat shock)大鼠
1984年固体器件与材料国际会议(1984 1CSSDM)于8月30日至9月1日在日本神户举行。会议的中心内容是有关半导体的新材料、新器件、新水平、新工艺及新原理的探讨,充分反映出半