认真学习、大力宣传、严格执行《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》(以下文中均简称《条例》),是当前全党面临的一项十分重要而紧迫的任务。组织部门是党的干部政策的具体执行者,如何进一步落实好《条例》精神?结合农发行系统干部人事工作的实际。笔者认为,应当在四个方面狠下功夫: 一、加强学习,使《条例》精神入脑入心。熟悉《条例》是贯彻《条例》的前提。学习宣传《条例》,首先,要做到“三个结合”:一是与集中推进基层党组织规范化建设相结合。把学习贯彻《条例》作为
Seriously studying and vigorously publicizing and strictly implementing the “Regulations on the Appointment and Appointment of Leading Cadres of the Party and the Government” (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) is a very important and urgent task currently facing the entire party. Organizational departments are the specific executors of the party’s cadre policy. How to further implement the spirit of the “Regulations”? In combination with the reality of the cadre personnel work in the system of agricultural development. The author believes that we should make great efforts in four aspects: First, to strengthen learning so that the “Ordinance” spirit into the brain. Familiar with the “Ordinance” is the premise of implementing the “Regulations.” To study and publicize the “Regulations”, we must first of all accomplish the “three combinations”: First, to integrate with the standardization of promoting the grass-roots party organizations in a concentrated manner. To study and implement “Regulations” as