Influence of supersaturation on structure of sodium aluminate solutions with medium concentration: a

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yin329060357
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Influence of supersaturation on the structure of a series of freshly prepared supersaturated sodium aluminate solutions with medium concentration was investigated by solution X-ray diffraction. Experimental results show that the basic Al-containing species in all kinds of supersaturated solution is four-coordinated ions. Opposite to Al-O distance contracted in highly concentrated solution, a little expand of the Al-O distance from 1.75 *@ to 1.85 *@ occurs with increasing supersaturation, which is consistent with the occurrence of oligomeric aluminate species. Meanwhile, O-O distance in the first shell of H 2O-H 2O(OH) in supersaturated sodium aluminate solution is obviously longer than in hydroxide sodium solution and becomes longer and longer with increasing supersaturation. Na-O bond length is about 2.4 *@ and changes little with supersaturation. The reason for Al-O bond expanding with supersaturation and its influence on the stability of solution was discussed. Influence of supersaturation on the structure of a series of freshly prepared supersaturated sodium aluminate solutions with medium concentration was investigated by solution X-ray diffraction. Experimental results show that the basic Al-containing species in all kinds of supersaturated solution is four-coordinated ions. Opposite to Al-O distance contracted in highly concentrated solution, a little expand of the Al-O distance from 1.75 * @ to 1.85 * @ occurs with increasing supersaturation, which is consistent with the occurrence of oligomeric aluminate species. Meanwhile, OO distance in the first shell of H 2O-H 2O (OH) in supersaturated sodium aluminate solution is obviously longer than in hydroxide sodium solution and longer and longer with increasing supersaturation. Na-O bond length is about 2.4 * @ and changes little with supersaturation. The reason for Al-O bond expanding with supersaturation and its influence on the stability of solution was discussed.
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