感言:世事难料,20年后依旧是好汉! 作为“霞飞”、“奥丽斯”品牌的始创人,曹建华曾成功出征世界化妆品之都——法国巴黎,并获得了“中国美神”的国际美誉。但正当他踌躇满志,大步跨越的时候,一个逆浪,卷走了他数亿资产。长缨在手,夫复何忧?成熟了的曹建华,逢变不惊,运筹帷幄,20年弹指一挥他又东山再起,迅速组建了与法国皇室佳黛合作的“超天化妆品集团”,短短时间里,连锁美容院已达150多家;分院近
Testimonials: The world is unpredictable, after 20 years it is still a hero! As the founder of “Xia Fei” and “Aolisi” brand, Cao Jianhua has successfully set off in Cosmetics Capital of the world - Paris, France and obtained the title of “ International reputation. However, just as he was complacent and striding forward, a wave of surges wound off hundreds of millions of his assets. Changying in hand, husband complex worries? Sophisticated Cao Jianhua, every surprise, strategizing, 20 years fingertip he again, quickly formed and the French royal Dai Dai cooperation ”Cosmos Cosmetics Group," a short time Lane, the chain has reached more than 150 beauty salons; branch near