Care about the Well—being of the People and the Friendship between China and Croatia

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  Recently, the reporter was fortunate enough to meet this prominent statesman who devotes his whole life in improving the well-being of the public at first China - Central and Eastern European countries with high-level think tank seminar. Stjepan Mesic is still hale and hearty with a clear mind. His manners reveal his characters of wisdom and perseverance. It is hard to believe that he is nearly 80 years old.
  Political elite comes from legal profession
  On December 24, 1934, Stjepan Mesic was born in Orahovica, located in the east of Croatia. In 1961, after graduating from the school of law of Zagreb University, he took the profession of lawyer. After that he worked as manager of enterprises and the mayor of his hometown Orahovica as an independent candidate. However, Mesic’s political life is not that smooth. He was once forced to leave the political circle and even thrown into prison. However, this does not undermine Mesic’s passion and determination of making his country and people wealthy and powerful. In 1990, Mesic became a main partner of the president of Croatia Franjo Tudjman. In May 1990, parliamentary election was held in Croatia and the ethnic party Croatian Democratic Community came into power. Mesic as one of the key leaders of the party was elected as Prime Minister of Croatia. In October of this year, he also served as the vice chairman of Federal Presidium of Yugoslavia. In July 1991, Mesic became the chairman of Federal Presidium of Yugoslavia.
  However, the development of Yugoslavia was suspended in 1991. A series of conflicts and political turmoil made Yugoslavia subject to disintegration. In June 1991, Croatia was separated from Yugoslavia and declared independence. In September 1992, a parliamentary election was held in the Republic of Croatia and Mesic was elected as chairman of the parliament. In May 1994, under the circumstances of the absence of all the members of the opposition party, Mesic was relieved from the duty of chairman of the parliament. After that Mesic declared to disaffiliate from Croatian Democratic Community and at the same time Mano Leach was also relieved from the duty of chairman of state courts of Croatian Parliament. Mesic and Mano Leach founded Independent Democratic Party of Croatia. In 1997, the Independent Democratic Party was combined with People’s Party of Croatia and Mesic served as the vice-chairman of People’s Party. In February 2000, president election was held. Among the 1.4 million votes, Mesic gained a victory by 56% and thus became the president of Croatia. Hearing the news of victory, Mesic said, "As the president of Croatia, I will make a good cooperation with the government and parliament to achieve the ultimate strategic goal of making Croatia join European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization." Just as Mesic promised, Croatia finally achieved thses two goals.   Time flies. The five-year term came to an end. In 2005, there was another president election. Mesic took part in the election again because he wanted to bring the development of Croatia to a new level. At that time, Mesic was already 70 years old but his ability and ambition remained as before. Mesic said to his supporters “I led Croat to the gate of Europe and I will continuously lead them to cross the gate and go into Europe.” Providence does not let down a man who does his best. Mesic had the last laugh and was reelected as the President of Croatia.
  An active promoter of cooperation between China and Croatia
  Compared with people of other countries, Chinese people are more familiar with Mesic. As early as on April 27, 1992, China had recognized the Republic of Croatia. On May 13 of that year, diplomatic relations are formally established between China and Croatia. Since then, China and Croatia have started increasingly frequent friendly exchange. In May, 2002, Mesic paid a state visit to China. In August, 2008, Mesic attended the opening ceremony of the 29th Beijing Olympic Games and other relevant activities. On November 8, 2013, Mesic went to China to the multilateral dialogues of the modern world met with Chinese Vice Chairman Li Yuanchao in Beijing. On December 19, 2013, Mesic attended the first China - Central and Eastern European countries with high level think tank seminars and met with Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi.
  During the multiple visits, Mesic explicitly expressed the special affectation he felt towards China and he said that he felt shock and admiration every time he visited China. “For instance, when I first came to Beijing, I thought there would be bicycles everywhere on the road. But I did not find them. There are more and more cars on the road, some of which are imported abroad while some are produced by China itself.”
  As to the development of Central and Eastern Europe where Croatia is located, Mesic thinks that the Republic of Croatia located in southeast Europe is an important entrance for China’s entering into Europe market via Mediterranean Sea. At present, Central and Eastern Europe is still under that stage of the transmission from socialist planned economy to market economy and has not paid sufficient attention to the importance of strengthening the economic relation with China. Central and Eastern European countries need the help of China because China can help them enhance their national strength and their position in European Union by favorable cooperation agreement and long-term investment. In recent years, the cooperation between China and Croatia is going deeper and deeper and has exhibited increasingly huge potential.   “China sincerely wants to develop cooperation with Croatia. Unfortunately, Croatia did not take any concrete steps in carrying out the cooperation except making oral wishes to cooperate with China. Some companies of Croatia tried to develop China’s market but the effects are not ideal. China’s market is too huge for Croatia’s companies. As a small country, Croatia has difficulty in meeting the requirements of China’s huge market. The more practical way for Croatia is to form partnership with some provinces and cities in China. We need to have a clear positioning of ourselves and also enterprising spirits. We need to develop China’s market with our neighboring countries.”
  In addition to economic and trade exchanges, Mesic also thinks that China and Croatia can have a good cooperation in all fields especially in culture, sports and tourism. He suggested that Central and Eastern countries should have a reform in system and management to encourage more Chinese companies set up and operate their companies in Central and Eastern Europe.
  Joint efforts in improving life’s well-being on the earth
  As to the achievements China made in recent decades, Mesic expressed his opinions with admiration and some worries that while China was becoming stronger and stronger, some countries also expressed their incomprehension and doubt to China’s development. This is because they do not have a real understanding of China and do not see the determination and faith of China in insisting on the way of peaceful development. “I am always thinking about the unique development pattern of China that is the coexistence of the ruling of the Communist Party and the market economy. So far this pattern has been proved to be successful. Market economy has displayed its advantages while it also shown some negative influences such as the increasing gap between the rich and the poor and the unbalanced development between urban and rural areas.”
  In terms of this, Mesic said that Chinese government should keep a clear mind about the trend of social polarization and put great efforts in improving people’s well-being especially for those living in poverty-stricken areas. In his opinion, Chinese people are sure to solve the problems caused by rapid development because it has been proved that Chinese people can overcome all difficulties and control the problems within the acceptable range.
  “China should further protect the environment and to deal with the relations of economic development and ecological protection and rational use of resources. All these are important. Chinese government has seen the negative effects of environment degradation and is willing to treat the pollution problem from the root to build a ‘beautiful country’. ”   In contrast, the environment of Croatia makes Mesic very proud. Croatia has always paid great attention to environment protection. Located in the southeast of Europe, Croatia is called “The pearl of the Mediterranean” due to its varied terrain and diversified climates. Croatia not only has rich natural resources like forest and water but also has enviable tourism resources. Croatia has a history of 13 centuries and there are 7 world heritage sites and 8 national parks in it. Dubrovnik located along Adriatic Sea is known as “The pearl of the Adriatic” and “City Museum” due to its beautiful scenery and moderate climate. Similar like China, Croatia has rich natural resources. How should we preserve this nature’s gift? Mesic thinks that there is a huge potential for China and Croatia to cooperate in preserving environment. We should continue to put our efforts in environment protection, sustainable development and improving life’s well-being on the earth. There are a lot we can do. We should support any country, organization and individual to recognize the importance of the above careers.”
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