High sampling-rate measurement of turbulence velocity fluctuations in Mach 1.8 Laval jet using inter

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyeliu
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Interferometric Rayleigh scattering diagnostic technique for the time-resolved measurement of flow velocity is studied. Theoretically, this systematic velocity-measured accuracy can reach up to 1.23 m/s. Measurement accuracy is then evaluated by comparing with hot wire anemometry results. Moreover, the distributions of velocity and turbulence intensity in a supersonic free jet from a Laval nozzle with a Mach number of 1.8 are also obtained quantitatively. The sampling rate in this measurement is determined to be approximately 10 k Hz. Interferometric Rayleigh scattering diagnostic technique for the time-resolved measurement of flow velocity is studied. Theoretically, this systematic velocity-measured accuracy can reach up to 1.23 m / s. Measurement accuracy is then evaluated vs. comparing with hot wire anemometry results. Moreover, the distributions of velocity and turbulence intensity in a supersonic free jet from a Laval nozzle with a Mach number of 1.8 are also obtained quantitatively. The sampling rate in this measurement is determined to be approximately 10 k Hz.
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