据悉,英国展会主办方塔苏斯集团与美国克劳斯国际展览公司将共同主办墨西哥教育设备资源展(GESS Mexico),服务于当地新兴教育市场。塔苏斯集团旗下F&E展览公司是全球知名的迪拜教育设备资源展GESS的主办方。新推出的GESS Mexico 将借助迪拜展会的品牌影响力。通过参展,教育行业的制造业与服务供应商将有机会接洽有决策权的采购商。墨西哥展会与同期教育峰会将于2015年5月在墨西哥城世界贸易中心举行。
Bauma Africa原班团队,崭新名字
在去年9月的第一届bauma Africa非洲国际工程机械、矿山机械展览会,共有38个国家的754名参展商与来自超过100个国家的14,700名专业观众。展会期间,主办方慕尼黑展览公司与南非机械制造商贸易协会(AEM)宣布了设立合资公司的意向。日前,合资公司已在组织bauma展会,同时展会更名为Bauma Conexpo Africa,团队CEO与成员保持不变。第二届展会将于2015年9月15-18日在约翰内斯堡举办,具体场馆将尽快揭晓。
英国展览公司英富曼集团旗下物流展RORO 2014将于6月24-26日在伦敦ExCel展览中心举办。RORO 是目前全球唯一专注于滚装船(编者按:运载汽车等有轮货物的轮船)的物流行业展会。本届展会将云集全球滚装物流领域的资深专家,并在同期举行的RORO行业大会关注滚装船方面的热点话题。
UFI 2014年度营销大奖火热评选中
Joining forces for education
U.K.-based Tarsus Group and E.J. Krause & Associates (EJK), Bethseda, launch GESS Mexico to serve the burgeoning education sector. Tarsus, through its subsidiary F&E Education, is the organiser of the renowned Global Education Supplies& Solutions Exhibition (GESS) in Dubai and the new launch event in Mexico will build on this established brand. GESS exhibitions and conferences enable educational suppliers and solutions providers to access important decision makers in the education sector. The exhibition and high level conference will be held in May 2015 at the World Trade Center, Mexico City.
Joint venture and a new name
The first event was held under the name of bauma Africa, and it celebrated a successful p r e m i e r e w i t h 7 5 4 ex h i b i to r s f ro m 3 8 countries and 14,700 visitors from over 100 countries. As part of their cooperation on international construction machinery events, Messe München and AEM announced at bauma in 2013 their intention to set up a joint venture in Africa. This joint venture will be organising the upcoming trade show as Bauma Conexpo Africa, retaining the current exhibition team and its CEO Elaine Crewe. The next edition will be held from September 15 to 18, 2015 in Johannesburg, with the event venue to be announced shortly. Roll on, roll off
Informa’s RORO 2014 is heading to London. The only exhibition dedicated to the roll-on/roll-off industry will bring together senior-level logistics professionals from across the globe between June 24 and 26, 2014 at ExCel in London. Taking place alongside the exhibition, the RORO conference will focus on high-level and topical content revolving around the movement of cargo using roll-on/roll-off(RoRo) shipping.
Parade your success
UFI is on the lookout for the winner of its 2014 UFI Marketing Award. This year’s competition theme is “Mobile marketing”. Entries must relate to the use of these activities within an exhibition environment, with submissions detailing how mobile marketing was used in 2013. Evaluations will be based on quantitative and qualitative results. The following elements should be addressed: What were the objectives when implementing your mobile marketing activity? Which target group did you address? Did your mobile marketing activity replace an existing activity or was it a newly applied solution? The deadline for entries is June 2, 2014 and the competition is open to both UFI members and non-members (exhibition organisers, exhibition centre operators, service providers).
From Essen to Cologne
Following the BRV German Tire Retail and Vulcanization Trade Association’s decision not to renew the partnership contract expiring in 2016 with Messe Essen, the exhibition company has announced its intention of continuing the trade show Reifen, No. 1 in Tires and More, under its own management. As from 2018 the association will instead partner with Koelnmesse, organiser of the new trade exhibition The Tire Cologne, which premieres from May 29 to June 1, 2018. The newcomer is scheduled to take place every two years at the Koelnmesse exhibition grounds.
日前,位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的世界知名展览企业ExpoForum国际展览集团与当地另一家公司Restec签署了合作协议,内容主要为2014-2018年间共同组织展览会,以及在ExpoForum旗下ExpoForum会展中心举办展览会。据ExpoForum集团董事总经理Voronkov介绍,过去几年,集团已经与12个知名展会主办方签订互惠长期协议,包括Primexpo, Kino Expo, 英国ITE集团,励展博览集团,杜塞尔多夫展览公司与埃森展览公司等。
亚洲博闻公司最近宣布,将推出东南亚美容展ASEANbeauty。该展会是同类展会中唯一获得泰国化妆品制造商协会支持的展会,将于2015年4月8-10日在曼谷国际会展中心举行。亚洲博闻称,将把该展会打造成东南亚地区首屈一指的国际美容展。 泰国拥有七千万潜在的美容产品消费者。2012年,泰国美容产品与个人护理产品销售额增长率为8%。ASEANbeauty将通过展会与一系列研讨会等,为有意打开东南亚化妆品市场的公司提供一个缔造商务联系,洞悉行业趋势的平台。
由科隆展览公司主办,德国科隆大学展会管理学院与UFI共同组织的国际展会管理夏令营第6期将于2014年6月4-6日在科隆举行。本期培训主题为“展会观众的演变”,细分议题包括:在21世纪如何激发展会观众的热情,满足他们的需求,提高满意度?届时,包括国际展览业协会秘书长Paul Woodward在内的会展行业专家等将与来自世界各地的展会组织者共同探讨展会观众邀请与管理方面的挑战。作为一个会展实战信息交流平台,在过去五年中,共有来自40个国家的展会运营者参加了该夏令营活动。
Birmingham to seek for the sale of NEC
Following the conclusion of a strategic review, Birmingham City Council has resolved to seek offers for the NEC Group. Sir Albert Bore, Leader of Birmingham City Council, comments: "A key purpose of the City Council investing in establishing the NEC Group more than 30 years ago was to drive economic development and regeneration." Martin Angle, Chairman of the NEC Group, adds: "The NEC Group comprises four of the best-known and most wellestablished venues in the UK, located at the heart of England and boasting unrivaled accessibility by all modes of transport. The Group has weathered the challenging economic environment and has a clear vision for its future growth."
UBM targets at a lucrative beauty market
U B M A s i a h a s announced the launch of ASEANbeauty, the only beauty trade event supported by the Thai Cosmetics Manufacturers Association. Taking place in Thailand from April 8 to 10, 2015 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, UBM says it will be the premier international beauty trade show for South East Asia.
With 70 million potential consumers, the market in Thailand for beauty and personal care products grew 8% in 2012. ASEANbeauty will be the leading industry event at which companies looking to expand in Southeast Asia will be able to build business networks and gain industry insights through seminars and educational workshops.
Long term agreements as the key to success
ExpoForum International, St. Petersburg, and Restec, St. Petersburg, have signed an agreement on the terms for organising and holding exhibitions at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre from 2014 to 2018. In the past year long-term strategic cooperation agreements to develop the exhibition industry on mutually beneficial terms have been signed with 12 leading convention and exhibition organisers, both Russian and international, including Primexpo, Kino Expo, Rostek-Tamozhinform, Yarmarka Nedvizhimosti, ITE Group, Reed Exhibitions, Dolphin Exhibitions, Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Essen. ISU seeks lateral thinkers
21st century exhibition visitors – what’s the best way to arouse their enthusiasm, to address them and to keep them happy? From June 4 to 6, 2014 in Cologne, the 6th International Summer University for Trade Fair Management(ISU) revolves around these issues. Under the banner “Visitor(R)evolution” scientists, exhibition professionals and lateral thinkers – among them Tobias Langner, Paul Woodward, Jan Wagner (Exposure Communications), Jan Wagner (Cliffhanger Productions) and Barry Siskind – will discuss the challenges of visitor marketing and management in the 21st century with exhibition managers from all over the world. The Institute of Trade Fair Management at Cologne University is organising the international trade seminar in collaboration with UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, hosted byK?lnmesse. Around 250 exhibition managers from 40 countries have taken part in the seminars over the past five years.
主办方德国纽伦堡玩具展览公司(Spielwarenmesse eG)从2009年以来已连续六届开设 “Best of China”中国精选展区,本届展会共有109个中国展商在近1,500平方米的展区中展示中国制造的玩具。下届展会将于2015年1月28日至2月2日举行。
Ocean Media传媒集团取消Modatex服装展
在去年11月,北欧地区最重要的婚纱展览会——德国埃森国际服装展Modatex第十届展会仍在进行重大调整,但日前,展会已被取消。展会主办方——伦敦Ocean Media传媒集团亦主办6月份在杜塞尔多夫举行的Interbride婚纱展。日前,集团CEO Dave Moran先生表示,由于同时针对德国市场举办两场婚纱展造成对参展商与专业买家的分流,已决定取消原定于2014年5月在德国埃森展览中心举办的Modatex展会。这也标志着集团开始退出德国婚纱市场。
Doug Ducate当选IAEE年度“行业传奇人物”
日前,国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)宣布CEM, CMP集团的Doug Ducate先生当选本年度IAEE 克拉考夫高级领导力学院“行业传奇人物”。每年,IAEE都会评选出一位在会展行业内表现突出,做出独特贡献的“行业传奇人物”,并组织非正式的小型会议供业界人士与获奖者面对面交流。
全球最大及欧洲唯一的公务航空展览会——欧洲公务航空展Ebace 2014将于5月20-22日在瑞士日内瓦Palexpo展览中心隆重举行。展会上将展出最新的航空机型与装备,商用航空领域的顶级专家均悉数出席。 Ebace由欧洲公务航空协会(EBAA)主办。EBAA于1977年成立,现在已有500家公务航空领域的会员。
Spielwarenmesse 2014: sealed with surging trade visitors
O v e r 7 6 , 0 0 0 trade visitors from 112 countries traveled t o t h e b i g g e s t Spielwarenmesse of all time (72,595 visitors in 2013) in February. The extra buyers and traders came mainly from the major target markets of America, Asia and Europe. Many of the 2,748 companies from 61 countries detected an increased interest in ordering among the visitors. Followed by American International Toy Fair and Hong Kong Toys& Games Fair, Spielwarenmesse is the world’s largest trade fair in the toy manufacturing and trade industry. The next Spielwarenmesse takes place from 28 January to 2 February 2015.
Strategic withdrawal
Back in November 2013 at the tenth edition of Modatex major changes were still being heralded, but now it’s all over. Ocean Media, London, the organisers of Modatex and White Gallery in Germany, have axed the show planned for May at Messe Essen, explaining that the existence of two events revolving around the same theme on the German market– namely Modatex and Interbride, which is scheduled this June at Messe Düsseldorf – had divided both exhibitors and visitors. The result, said Ocean Media Group Ltd. CEO Dave Moran, was that neither trade fair would be attended. This has prompted the Ocean Media Group to exit the German market.
Doug Ducate
The International Association of Exhibitions and Events(IAEE) announced that Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP has been selected as this year’s “Legend of the Industry” for the IAEE Krakoff Leadership Institute, to be held from August 2 to 4, 2014. Each year, IAEE selects a “Legend of the Industry” whose contributions, innovation and leadership have been truly unique and remarkable.
Cairo International Fair shrank in turbulence
Cairo International Fair, organized by Egypt Expo&Convention Authority, is the biggest exhibition in the Egypt and in the Middle East as well. The 47th session was opened on 19th March, 2014, and the number of exhibitors has dropped considerably than last year.
Since its political turbulence in 2011, Egypt has suppered from severe economic impact, which has become worse since the stepped in of the new government. According to official data, in the first half of 2013-2014 fiscal year starting in last July, domestic economy increased only 1.2%.
Be part of the business
For those of us, who are using an airplane for business, make sure you’re a part of the 2014 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (Ebace 2014). The only European show dedicated purely to business aviation, it brings together all the latest aircraft and aviation equipment, top experts on aircraft financing and ownership, and distinguished guests including renowned figures in business and aviation. Sponsored by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the show takes place from May 20 to 22 at Palexpo in Geneva, Switzerland.
Bauma Africa原班团队,崭新名字
在去年9月的第一届bauma Africa非洲国际工程机械、矿山机械展览会,共有38个国家的754名参展商与来自超过100个国家的14,700名专业观众。展会期间,主办方慕尼黑展览公司与南非机械制造商贸易协会(AEM)宣布了设立合资公司的意向。日前,合资公司已在组织bauma展会,同时展会更名为Bauma Conexpo Africa,团队CEO与成员保持不变。第二届展会将于2015年9月15-18日在约翰内斯堡举办,具体场馆将尽快揭晓。
英国展览公司英富曼集团旗下物流展RORO 2014将于6月24-26日在伦敦ExCel展览中心举办。RORO 是目前全球唯一专注于滚装船(编者按:运载汽车等有轮货物的轮船)的物流行业展会。本届展会将云集全球滚装物流领域的资深专家,并在同期举行的RORO行业大会关注滚装船方面的热点话题。
UFI 2014年度营销大奖火热评选中
Joining forces for education
U.K.-based Tarsus Group and E.J. Krause & Associates (EJK), Bethseda, launch GESS Mexico to serve the burgeoning education sector. Tarsus, through its subsidiary F&E Education, is the organiser of the renowned Global Education Supplies& Solutions Exhibition (GESS) in Dubai and the new launch event in Mexico will build on this established brand. GESS exhibitions and conferences enable educational suppliers and solutions providers to access important decision makers in the education sector. The exhibition and high level conference will be held in May 2015 at the World Trade Center, Mexico City.
Joint venture and a new name
The first event was held under the name of bauma Africa, and it celebrated a successful p r e m i e r e w i t h 7 5 4 ex h i b i to r s f ro m 3 8 countries and 14,700 visitors from over 100 countries. As part of their cooperation on international construction machinery events, Messe München and AEM announced at bauma in 2013 their intention to set up a joint venture in Africa. This joint venture will be organising the upcoming trade show as Bauma Conexpo Africa, retaining the current exhibition team and its CEO Elaine Crewe. The next edition will be held from September 15 to 18, 2015 in Johannesburg, with the event venue to be announced shortly. Roll on, roll off
Informa’s RORO 2014 is heading to London. The only exhibition dedicated to the roll-on/roll-off industry will bring together senior-level logistics professionals from across the globe between June 24 and 26, 2014 at ExCel in London. Taking place alongside the exhibition, the RORO conference will focus on high-level and topical content revolving around the movement of cargo using roll-on/roll-off(RoRo) shipping.
Parade your success
UFI is on the lookout for the winner of its 2014 UFI Marketing Award. This year’s competition theme is “Mobile marketing”. Entries must relate to the use of these activities within an exhibition environment, with submissions detailing how mobile marketing was used in 2013. Evaluations will be based on quantitative and qualitative results. The following elements should be addressed: What were the objectives when implementing your mobile marketing activity? Which target group did you address? Did your mobile marketing activity replace an existing activity or was it a newly applied solution? The deadline for entries is June 2, 2014 and the competition is open to both UFI members and non-members (exhibition organisers, exhibition centre operators, service providers).
From Essen to Cologne
Following the BRV German Tire Retail and Vulcanization Trade Association’s decision not to renew the partnership contract expiring in 2016 with Messe Essen, the exhibition company has announced its intention of continuing the trade show Reifen, No. 1 in Tires and More, under its own management. As from 2018 the association will instead partner with Koelnmesse, organiser of the new trade exhibition The Tire Cologne, which premieres from May 29 to June 1, 2018. The newcomer is scheduled to take place every two years at the Koelnmesse exhibition grounds.
日前,位于俄罗斯圣彼得堡的世界知名展览企业ExpoForum国际展览集团与当地另一家公司Restec签署了合作协议,内容主要为2014-2018年间共同组织展览会,以及在ExpoForum旗下ExpoForum会展中心举办展览会。据ExpoForum集团董事总经理Voronkov介绍,过去几年,集团已经与12个知名展会主办方签订互惠长期协议,包括Primexpo, Kino Expo, 英国ITE集团,励展博览集团,杜塞尔多夫展览公司与埃森展览公司等。
亚洲博闻公司最近宣布,将推出东南亚美容展ASEANbeauty。该展会是同类展会中唯一获得泰国化妆品制造商协会支持的展会,将于2015年4月8-10日在曼谷国际会展中心举行。亚洲博闻称,将把该展会打造成东南亚地区首屈一指的国际美容展。 泰国拥有七千万潜在的美容产品消费者。2012年,泰国美容产品与个人护理产品销售额增长率为8%。ASEANbeauty将通过展会与一系列研讨会等,为有意打开东南亚化妆品市场的公司提供一个缔造商务联系,洞悉行业趋势的平台。
由科隆展览公司主办,德国科隆大学展会管理学院与UFI共同组织的国际展会管理夏令营第6期将于2014年6月4-6日在科隆举行。本期培训主题为“展会观众的演变”,细分议题包括:在21世纪如何激发展会观众的热情,满足他们的需求,提高满意度?届时,包括国际展览业协会秘书长Paul Woodward在内的会展行业专家等将与来自世界各地的展会组织者共同探讨展会观众邀请与管理方面的挑战。作为一个会展实战信息交流平台,在过去五年中,共有来自40个国家的展会运营者参加了该夏令营活动。
Birmingham to seek for the sale of NEC
Following the conclusion of a strategic review, Birmingham City Council has resolved to seek offers for the NEC Group. Sir Albert Bore, Leader of Birmingham City Council, comments: "A key purpose of the City Council investing in establishing the NEC Group more than 30 years ago was to drive economic development and regeneration." Martin Angle, Chairman of the NEC Group, adds: "The NEC Group comprises four of the best-known and most wellestablished venues in the UK, located at the heart of England and boasting unrivaled accessibility by all modes of transport. The Group has weathered the challenging economic environment and has a clear vision for its future growth."
UBM targets at a lucrative beauty market
U B M A s i a h a s announced the launch of ASEANbeauty, the only beauty trade event supported by the Thai Cosmetics Manufacturers Association. Taking place in Thailand from April 8 to 10, 2015 at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, UBM says it will be the premier international beauty trade show for South East Asia.
With 70 million potential consumers, the market in Thailand for beauty and personal care products grew 8% in 2012. ASEANbeauty will be the leading industry event at which companies looking to expand in Southeast Asia will be able to build business networks and gain industry insights through seminars and educational workshops.
Long term agreements as the key to success
ExpoForum International, St. Petersburg, and Restec, St. Petersburg, have signed an agreement on the terms for organising and holding exhibitions at the ExpoForum Convention and Exhibition Centre from 2014 to 2018. In the past year long-term strategic cooperation agreements to develop the exhibition industry on mutually beneficial terms have been signed with 12 leading convention and exhibition organisers, both Russian and international, including Primexpo, Kino Expo, Rostek-Tamozhinform, Yarmarka Nedvizhimosti, ITE Group, Reed Exhibitions, Dolphin Exhibitions, Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Essen. ISU seeks lateral thinkers
21st century exhibition visitors – what’s the best way to arouse their enthusiasm, to address them and to keep them happy? From June 4 to 6, 2014 in Cologne, the 6th International Summer University for Trade Fair Management(ISU) revolves around these issues. Under the banner “Visitor(R)evolution” scientists, exhibition professionals and lateral thinkers – among them Tobias Langner, Paul Woodward, Jan Wagner (Exposure Communications), Jan Wagner (Cliffhanger Productions) and Barry Siskind – will discuss the challenges of visitor marketing and management in the 21st century with exhibition managers from all over the world. The Institute of Trade Fair Management at Cologne University is organising the international trade seminar in collaboration with UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry, hosted byK?lnmesse. Around 250 exhibition managers from 40 countries have taken part in the seminars over the past five years.
主办方德国纽伦堡玩具展览公司(Spielwarenmesse eG)从2009年以来已连续六届开设 “Best of China”中国精选展区,本届展会共有109个中国展商在近1,500平方米的展区中展示中国制造的玩具。下届展会将于2015年1月28日至2月2日举行。
Ocean Media传媒集团取消Modatex服装展
在去年11月,北欧地区最重要的婚纱展览会——德国埃森国际服装展Modatex第十届展会仍在进行重大调整,但日前,展会已被取消。展会主办方——伦敦Ocean Media传媒集团亦主办6月份在杜塞尔多夫举行的Interbride婚纱展。日前,集团CEO Dave Moran先生表示,由于同时针对德国市场举办两场婚纱展造成对参展商与专业买家的分流,已决定取消原定于2014年5月在德国埃森展览中心举办的Modatex展会。这也标志着集团开始退出德国婚纱市场。
Doug Ducate当选IAEE年度“行业传奇人物”
日前,国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)宣布CEM, CMP集团的Doug Ducate先生当选本年度IAEE 克拉考夫高级领导力学院“行业传奇人物”。每年,IAEE都会评选出一位在会展行业内表现突出,做出独特贡献的“行业传奇人物”,并组织非正式的小型会议供业界人士与获奖者面对面交流。
全球最大及欧洲唯一的公务航空展览会——欧洲公务航空展Ebace 2014将于5月20-22日在瑞士日内瓦Palexpo展览中心隆重举行。展会上将展出最新的航空机型与装备,商用航空领域的顶级专家均悉数出席。 Ebace由欧洲公务航空协会(EBAA)主办。EBAA于1977年成立,现在已有500家公务航空领域的会员。
Spielwarenmesse 2014: sealed with surging trade visitors
O v e r 7 6 , 0 0 0 trade visitors from 112 countries traveled t o t h e b i g g e s t Spielwarenmesse of all time (72,595 visitors in 2013) in February. The extra buyers and traders came mainly from the major target markets of America, Asia and Europe. Many of the 2,748 companies from 61 countries detected an increased interest in ordering among the visitors. Followed by American International Toy Fair and Hong Kong Toys& Games Fair, Spielwarenmesse is the world’s largest trade fair in the toy manufacturing and trade industry. The next Spielwarenmesse takes place from 28 January to 2 February 2015.
Strategic withdrawal
Back in November 2013 at the tenth edition of Modatex major changes were still being heralded, but now it’s all over. Ocean Media, London, the organisers of Modatex and White Gallery in Germany, have axed the show planned for May at Messe Essen, explaining that the existence of two events revolving around the same theme on the German market– namely Modatex and Interbride, which is scheduled this June at Messe Düsseldorf – had divided both exhibitors and visitors. The result, said Ocean Media Group Ltd. CEO Dave Moran, was that neither trade fair would be attended. This has prompted the Ocean Media Group to exit the German market.
Doug Ducate
The International Association of Exhibitions and Events(IAEE) announced that Doug Ducate, CEM, CMP has been selected as this year’s “Legend of the Industry” for the IAEE Krakoff Leadership Institute, to be held from August 2 to 4, 2014. Each year, IAEE selects a “Legend of the Industry” whose contributions, innovation and leadership have been truly unique and remarkable.
Cairo International Fair shrank in turbulence
Cairo International Fair, organized by Egypt Expo&Convention Authority, is the biggest exhibition in the Egypt and in the Middle East as well. The 47th session was opened on 19th March, 2014, and the number of exhibitors has dropped considerably than last year.
Since its political turbulence in 2011, Egypt has suppered from severe economic impact, which has become worse since the stepped in of the new government. According to official data, in the first half of 2013-2014 fiscal year starting in last July, domestic economy increased only 1.2%.
Be part of the business
For those of us, who are using an airplane for business, make sure you’re a part of the 2014 European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (Ebace 2014). The only European show dedicated purely to business aviation, it brings together all the latest aircraft and aviation equipment, top experts on aircraft financing and ownership, and distinguished guests including renowned figures in business and aviation. Sponsored by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and the European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), the show takes place from May 20 to 22 at Palexpo in Geneva, Switzerland.