为适应卫生改革需要,深圳市宝安区基层医院建立了一套医院内部“量化管理,等级分配”的模式。经过3年实践,收到明显效果。1 “量化管理,等级分配”模式建立的基本要求1.1 定岗定员原则及要求 以人为本,以事设岗,以岗定人,减员、精员结合,竞争上岗。总结试点改革做法,定...
In order to meet the needs of health reform, Shenzhen Bao’an District Basic Hospital established a set of internal “quantitative management, grade allocation” model. After three years of practice, it has received noticeable results. 1 The basic requirements for the establishment of the “quantitative management, grade allocation” model 1.1. Staffing principles and requirements for staffing. People-oriented, post-priority posts, post-positioning appointments, downsizing, and combination of skilled personnel, compete for posts. Summarize the pilot reform practices, set...