In the TV series “Rouge Snow”, the writer Wen Yu Wo, a dyemaker, was married to the giant lantern maker, Gu Jia, because her father owed a huge debt. Do not want to, the date of the wedding of her husband Gu Shaotang did not go home, Gu family lady Lee’s life steward Xia Yunkai went to the bride to welcome Fuchu. Wen Yu Wo in front of the town to Xia Yun out of a question: she took out a wooden box of papaya, to Xia Yun Kai, see how he responded. Xia Yun opened papaya after picking up two poems, turned and took a piece of jade, handed Wen Yu Wo, Wen Yu Wo on the sedan into the Koo House. What is the reason? From the Book of Songs.