针对西门子公司生产的N-30-2×10型350 MW汽轮机低压缸,散件形式供货现场进行组合的特点,描述采用焊条电弧焊及CO2半自动焊2种焊接方法相接合的技术要点,重点对控制焊接变形的措施进行阐述,为今后类似大厚壁结构件的焊接提供参考。
According to the characteristics of the low pressure cylinder of N-30-2 × 10 350 MW steam turbine produced by Siemens Company in the form of assembly on the delivery site in the form of spare parts, the key technical points of joining by two welding methods of welding arc welding and semi-automatic CO2 welding are described. The measures to control the deformation of welding are elaborated to provide references for the welding of similar large thick-walled structures in the future.