风浪是湖泊中重要的水动力因素,会影响航行、水上构筑物安全、水体中物质交换过程。风浪研究对构筑物设计和湖泊生态系统研究都具有重要意义。在淀山湖风浪开展了为期78 h的现场观测,同时观测了风速、风向。对测定结果进行拟合后得出淀山湖赵田湖水域风浪平均波高的经验计算公式。通过验证,该公式拟合值与实测值的平均误差为13%,能较准确反映淀山湖风浪及其影响因素的关系。根据风速资料统计结果,和对淀山湖赵田湖水域风浪和风速风向关系式的拟合,得出结论:淀山湖防风安全标准建议定为8级大风,以抗平均波高0.5 m的风浪作为设计标准。
Wind and waves are important hydrodynamic factors in lakes. They affect the navigation, the safety of water structures and the material exchange process in water bodies. Wind and wave research is of great significance for the design of structures and the study of lacustrine ecosystems. In the Dianshan Lake storm carried out a 78-h field observations, while observing the wind speed, wind direction. After fitting the measured results, the empirical formula for the average wave height of wind and waves in the Zidian Lake waters of Dianshan Lake is obtained. Through the verification, the average error between the fitting value and the measured value of this formula is 13%, which can accurately reflect the relationship between the storm and its influencing factors in Dianshan Lake. According to the statistical results of the wind speed data and the fitting of wind and wind direction and wind direction of Zidian Lake in Dianshan Lake, it is concluded that the Dianshan Lake wind protection safety standard is set to be Grade 8 gale, and the wind and waves with the average wave height of 0.5 m are designed standard.