目的了解温州市结核分支杆菌原始耐药情况,制定科学的防治对策。方法采用世界卫生组织制定的结核分支杆菌耐药监测方案开展温州市结核分支杆菌耐药监测,使用比例法对110例新发现无抗结核用药史的涂阳肺结核患者的耐药性进行测定。结果各药原始耐药率分别为:H 9.1%,R 3.64%,S 17.3%,E 1.82%;原始耐多药率分别为:HR 2.73%,HRS 1.82%,HRES 0.91%;4种药物的初始耐药率为21.8%。结论温州市结核分支杆菌原始耐药现状严重,实现抗结核药统一管理、全程督导化疗势在必行。
Objective To understand the original drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Wenzhou and to develop a scientific control strategy. Methods The Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistance surveillance program developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) was used to monitor the drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Wenzhou City. The resistance of smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients was detected in 110 cases of newly discovered anti-tuberculosis drug. Results The original drug resistance rates of each drug were: H 9.1%, R 3.64%, S 17.3%, E 1.82%, respectively. The original MDR rates were HR 2.73%, HRS 1.82% and HRES 0.91% The initial resistance rate was 21.8%. Conclusion The prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is very high in Wenzhou City. It is imperative to realize the unified management of anti-TB drugs.