中办国办发出通知 全国乡镇政权机关全面推行政务公开制度

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为贯彻落实党的十五大关于扩大基层民主、保证人民群众直接行使民主权利的精神,推进依法治国的进程,加强对行政权力运行过程的监督,密切党和政府同人民群众的联系,党中央、国务院决定,在全国乡镇政权机关和派驻乡镇的站所全面推行政务公开制度。现就有关问题通知如下:一、指导思想、基本原则和基本要求乡镇政权机关是国家政权机关的基层组织,派驻站所是政府有关部门派驻乡镇的工作机构。在乡镇政权机关和派驻站所全面推行政务公开制度,有利于加强农村基层政权建设、党组织建设和干部队伍建设,提高乡镇政权机关依法行政的水平,增强权力运行的透明度,促进廉政勤政建设,推动党在农村各项政策的落实。各级党委、政府要按照江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的要求,充分认识在乡镇政权机关和派驻站 In order to implement the spirit of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on expanding grassroots democracy and ensuring that the masses of the people directly exercise its democratic rights, we should speed up the process of governing the country according to law, strengthen the supervision over the running of administrative power, strengthen the ties between the party and the government and the masses, The State Council decided to fully implement the open system of government affairs in the township government organs and stations stationed in the townships throughout the country. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Guiding Ideology, Basic Principles and Basic Requirements Towns and township government organs are the grass-roots organizations of the state power organs. The stationed stations are the working bodies stationed in towns and townships by relevant government departments. The full implementation of the open system of government affairs by the township government organs and stationed stations is conducive to strengthening the building of the grassroots political power in the countryside, the building of party organizations and the contingent of cadres, improving the level of administering the township government organs according to law, enhancing the transparency of power operation and promoting the building of an honest and diligent government , To promote the implementation of the party’s various policies in the rural areas. Party committees and governments at all levels must, in accordance with Comrade Jiang Zemin’s requirements on “three represents, ” fully understand the principle of "
广西柳江住建局被曝挂“行政办公室”“办公室”牌子共8个,6名部门领导的办公室隐藏其中,群众办事不知该到哪个部门找人。一个科级单位,领导如此“躲猫猫”,如何方便群众办事,接受群众监督?践行“八项规定”、密切联系群众,“躲猫猫”作风应改一改。(4月12日新华网)  领导“躲猫猫”,将自己混同普通工作人员,到底图的啥?有人认为,可能是为了避开群众“骚扰”,特别是防止上访的刁民。这种可能性当然存在,但笔者
【内容提要】 本文从我国当前高等教育发展现状出发,探究低碳时代下我国高等教育理念的发展,试图培育出能够促进我国高等教育和谐发展的生态发展理念、绿色管理理念、低碳人才培养理念。  【关键词】 低碳 高等教育理念 新发展  【作者简介】 万清祥,中国地质大学副校长,教授;丁振国,中国地质大学高等教育研究所教授,博士生导师;宋超,宁波工程学院学生辅导员;徐超,中国地质大学学校办公室副主任。  【中图分类