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  The education has a significant impact not only on individuals but also on the nation.There are two types of education,one is student-central ,and the other keeps a watchful eye on the marks.Which one is better on earth?The following is my viewpoint.
  The education that focuses on individuals ,such as in America,has always aimed to produce individuals who are on their way to becoming experts in their field of interest.The students are fluent in the participating disciplines to create new approaches and concepts from different disciplines can be integrated to generate new ways of thinking.The children are encouraged to think for themselves and comp up with individual solutions when meeting problems.They have a unique method that values independent thinking,for it makes each student special.They hold the view that Independent thinking should be highly valued,which can help people learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
  In this surrounding,they consider that “Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten”.It means that the materials taught isn’t as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject,and the ability to analyze a new problem.The students have less possibilities to fall into the trap of dogma.They believe that there is no single simple answer to any question.They recognize that things are rarely “black and white”,and there are always many ways to look at a problem.This is called “critical thinking”,and it is the most important thinking skill we need for our life.This also means we need to become tolerant and supportive of others.
  “I don’t agree with you,but I’ll support you”.The teachers will hold this view no matter how fancy ideas students come up with.It isn’t just flexibility,it is encouragement of critical thinking,and an empowering style of leadership,and it has become a part of students and has a positive effect on their lives.
  Every coin have two sides.The flexible model of education have drawbacks also.The individuals come from this education have difficulty in observing discipline .What?s more ,there is more possibility they give up when face difficulties.
  Another type of education,in which Japan is typical,pays close attention on marks.The education system in Japan is of high standards,which is regarded as the major cause of the phenomenon that many school children in Japan have killed themselves.Though they learn better than American counterparts there are some serious drawbacks.It is said that putting enormous psychological pressure on students is considered a primary factor in the high suicide rate.Each is in the constant pursuit of benefits,although individual needs are considered primary,but in this education,he or she sometimes has to sacrifice his or her needs to those of the group.Teachers provide assistance to students in almost every aspect.Help is fine when needed but we do not want these young minds not to think for themselves.   The parents care about the reputation in educating the child.They send their child to school not only for knowledge and spirit and literacy in Humanities but also for honor.Every time when draw near students make use of every minutes to recite what they have learned mechanically.And after the examination,they feel free unprecedentedly.At the same time,what they recited before fades away completely in their minds.Now it comes across a question .Is this the result what we want indeed ? Marks is becoming the instrument of flaunt themselves.
  The education system is demanding,but it prepares children well for a society that values discipline and self-control .And they can do better in terrible conditions.The development of science is at full speed .Fickleness is flash around the world.The majority of the students who come from the education are rigorous and precise .That Just is the character which is in badly need of in this era of open.
  In the world that creativity is increasingly being valued,the flexible education is promoted by more countries.As a matter of fact ,every education system in a particular society is influenced by its culture and Status quo .What counts is,FOR YOUSELF.
【摘要】教学中,一般都把成绩的优劣归结于智力因素,忽视了非智力因素的作用。本文就从非智力因素兴趣、动机、方法等方面在初中教学中的作用,以及有效开发这些非智力因素,而提高英语教学效果。  【关键词】初中英语 兴趣 态度 情感 动机 意志力  家长和老师们都把学生的学习优劣归因于智力因素,很少关注非智力因素的开发和利用,都把“勤能补拙”作为弥补智力上的不足,而忽视了情感、态度、兴趣、动机、意志力等方面
【摘要】教学中,一般都把成绩的优劣归结于智力因素,忽视了非智力因素的作用。本文就从非智力因素兴趣、动机、方法等方面在初中教学中的作用,以及有效开发这些非智力因素,而提高英语教学效果。  【关键词】初中英语 兴趣 态度 情感 动机 意志力  家长和老师们都把学生的学习优劣归因于智力因素,很少关注非智力因素的开发和利用,都把“勤能补拙”作为弥补智力上的不足,而忽视了情感、态度、兴趣、动机、意志力等方面
任何一种语言能力的形成都离不开语言材料大量有效的输入与积累。但是中国学生很难从生活中得到输入英语语言材料的机会,学生在每周有限的英语课中所学到的听说训练,由于平时很少说英语,课堂上所学的英语句子除了早读外,其他时间也很难运用、复习和巩固。  一、英语学习重视朗读和背诵有以下好处  1.朗读和背诵对于缺少自然英语环境的中国学生是不可缺少的。单词的拼写不可能完全在交际的过程中完成,必须依赖于日积月累的
It was happened in Weymouth where I took part in a English Summer Camp.  There is no course and no activities tonight.So it’s a free night with our host family.And I want to do something different.Bec