在前期访谈并结合国内外已有研究的基础上,编制网络成瘾领域的利弊权衡问卷(Internet Addiction Decisional Balance Questionnaire,简称IDBQ)。被试为选自北京市7所高校的1166名大学生,按大约2∶3的方式将被试随机分成两组(N1=441,N2=725)分别用于探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。结果表明IDBQ由好处分问卷和代价分问卷组成,其中好处分问卷维度包括放松心情、获取知识、方便交流和获得成就感;代价分问卷维度包括空虚苦恼、荒废学业、人际受损、浪费金钱。IDBQ具有良好的信度和效度指标,可以作为我国大学生网络使用利弊权衡的测量工具。
Based on the previous interviews and the existing researches both at home and abroad, the Internet Addiction Decisional Balance Questionnaire (IDBQ) was compiled. The subjects were 1166 college students from 7 universities in Beijing. The subjects were randomly divided into two groups (N1 = 441, N2 = 725) at about 2: 3 respectively for exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis . The results show that the IDBQ consists of the Good Questionnaire and the Questionnaire of Cost, in which the Good Questionnaire dimension includes relaxation of mind, access to knowledge, communication and achievement. The dimension of Questionnaire Questionnaire includes empty distress, academic loss, interpersonal impairment and waste of money. IDBQ has a good reliability and validity index, which can be used as a measuring tool to measure the pros and cons of college students in our country.