1 自古以来,医生就是一个非常受人崇敬的职业 “神农尝百草,始有医学”,自中国炎黄二帝时期医学诞生以来,涌现出无数名医:后汉的张仲景、晋代的葛洪、战国的扁鹊、东汉的华佗、唐代的孙思邈和明朝的李时珍等。他们治病救人,妙手回春,受到老百姓的尊敬与爱戴,被人们誉为“再生父母”。而古希腊的克拉底、瑞士的巴拉塞尔苏斯、德国的塞图内尔德等等,也为人类生命的延续和再造做出了杰出的贡献。从古到今,在任何一个国家,任何一个社会、任何一个历史阶段,医生都是一个非常受人崇敬的职业。
1 Since ancient times, the doctor has been a very respected profession, “Shen Nong has tasted all kinds of herbs and has had medicine.” Since the birth of the Chinese medicine for the Second Emperor of Yanhuang in China, numerous doctors have emerged: Zhang Zhongjing in the Later Han Dynasty, Ge Hong in the Jin Dynasty, and the Warring States Period. Bian Biao, Hua Tuo in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Sun Sijun in the Tang Dynasty, and Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty. They treat illness and save people, they rejuvenate themselves, they are respected and loved by the people, and they are hailed as “reborn parents.” The ancient Greece’s Cradio, the Swiss Balacsus, Germany’s Settuner, etc., also made outstanding contributions to the continuation and reconstruction of human life. From ancient times to the present, in any country, any society, or any historical stage, the doctor is a very respected profession.