破伤风为农村常见病之一,一年四季均可发病,夏秋季达高峰,因农忙季节多赤足劳动,易使皮肤损伤引起感染而发病。重症破伤风潜伏期一般短于7天,症状出现24小时以内进入抽风,呈频繁或持续状态,稍有刺激即引起发作,伴有明显牙关紧闭,角弓反张,抽风时面色青紫呼吸困难或窒息,甚至高热昏迷。据日本馆野宫氏报道发病后两日以内死亡者75%, 5日以内死亡者85%。本组(74~84)共收重症破伤风178例,死亡60例,其中入院后两天以内死亡者27例占45%,4天以内死
Tetanus is one of the most common diseases in rural areas. It can develop throughout the year. It reaches its peak in summer and autumn. It is easy to make the skin damage and cause infection due to busy labor season. Severe tetanus incubation period is generally shorter than 7 days, symptoms appear within 24 hours into the ventilation, was frequent or sustained state, a slight stimulation that is caused by an attack, accompanied by obvious tingling closed, angle arch anti-Zhang, Suffocating, even high fever coma. According to Japanese Museum Miyoshi reported 75% of deaths within two days after onset, 85% of those who died within 5 days. The group (74-84) received a total of 178 cases of severe tetanus, 60 patients died, of which 27 cases died within two days after admission accounted for 45%, died within 4 days