Chapter 8等

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  主要人物: 女演员 Kate越狱人 Edward Coke
   陷害Coke的人Eric Masters
  本期背景: Hugo告诉 Masters,一个老盲人和一位女子来找过他。Coke和Kate找到了Masters的古董武器店。
  Coke did not sleep very well that night. He lay awake thinking. Slowly, however, he formed a plan in his mind.
  Eric Masters was cleaning an antique pistol when the phone rang in his shop. He heard a young woman’s voice at the other end. “I believe you buy and sell antique weapons,” she said. “My father has a number of 17th-century pistols and he wants to sell some of them. Would you mind coming to our place?”
  “Well... I’ll look at them and give you a price.” He noted down the address. He reached into a drawer and took out a pistol. It was a small, black, nasty-looking automatic. He got into his white Jaguar (美洲豹牌汽车) and drove off.
  Masters felt safer when Kate opened the door. She was slim, almost delicate-looking. He glanced suspiciously at the old, blind man sitting on the sofa. At first he seemed harmless enough, but there was something familiar about the man’s face that made Masters look more carefully at him.
  The more he looked at that face, the more suspicious he became. Suddenly it dawned on him. It was the old man’s nose and lips that made Masters think of Coke. He reached for his pistol.
  Question: What does “a small, black, nasty?鄄looking automatic” refer to?
  Once a Car Company Disappears
  As Washington has tried to decide whether to rescue the automobile industry, Americans have wondered what it looks like when a giant automobile company goes under. The answer can be found in Detroit.
  In the summer of 1956, the once-mighty Packard Motor Car Company closed its doors. Its headquarters and chief production complex still stand there, though, their slowly decaying remains serve as a symbol for the fall of American manufacturing industry in general and the degradation of the auto industry in particular.
  When Detroit was the Silicon Valley of the early 20th century, the Packard complex was a center for innovation. Its construction revolutionized the building of factories around the world since 1905.
  Misery has rarely been mentioned as a reason to pass an auto industry bailout. But if you walk through the Packard plant today, you will know that once a car company disappears, nothing comes along to take its place.
  Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “go under”?
  fade awaygo bankruptget downmelt away
  Chapter 8: It refers to the automatic pistol that Masters took out of the drawer.
  Once a Car Company Disappears: go bankrupt
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I asked, and they said: the branch  swathed in flame is a sparrow.  They said: my face  was the waves, the world’s face a pile of mirrors,  a lighthouse, and the sailor’s sorrow.    I arrived and the
2020年12月29日清晨,皮爾·卡丹在巴黎讷伊医院去世,享年98岁。他毕生热爱工作,历经几个审美时代的变迁,却始终保持本色,并且把他的“名字”牢牢地掌握在自己手中。  在生命的最后几年,他仍然有很多计划:上演戏剧、设计家具、开饭店、盖房子(他差点儿在威尼斯盖起一座像高塔一样的房子)……他的钱并非源于服装设计(近些年人们已经不再像先前那样只盯着他的服装了),而是经营许可证。时装上、家具上、饭店里,
Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. Americans do not have a corner on the “death” market, but many people feel that the United States l
点 评:肖培东  高中语文特级教师,浙江省教坛新秀。    ·事件·  2011年8月26日中午,江苏南通,长途车司机殷红彬、乘务员郁维贞扶起了路边一位被车撞伤的老太太。事后,老太太称司机殷红彬为“肇事者”。好在长途车上装有监控探头,一看录像,真相大白。  9月16日下午,山东济南,骑车路过公交车站的刘女士见一位老人跌倒在地,便停下车扶起老人。在搀扶老人的同时,刘女士请周围的几位路人为自己作证
70年前的春天,海明威在中国重庆度过了一个独特而有意义的“蜜月”。  1940年11月,海明威与第三任妻子玛莎-盖尔霍恩新婚后准备到中国和东南亚度密月。正好,两人分别在《午报》和《矿工》杂志获得一个到中国采访抗日战争及其有关事项的任务,并以此方式来度蜜月。  1941年2月下旬,海明威与玛莎飞抵中国香港,开始了他们为期两个月的中国之行。两人在访问了韶关等广东北部地区抗日前线和桂林后于4月6日飞抵重
海牙监狱博物馆位于荷兰海牙市中心的国会大厦园区内。13世纪初这里曾是荷兰伯爵城堡的老大门。15世纪时,荷兰宫廷法院在审理案子的时候常将犯人就近关押在城堡的门楼里,后来就在这里正式设置了一座监狱。也就是说,海牙监狱博物馆的前身是荷兰中央政府于1428年至1828年期间曾经沿用了400年的一座老监狱。如今博物馆里所展现的主要收藏品就是一座原汁原味的老式监狱及其相关设施。  从外部看去,监狱房舍的墙壁特
美国反战人士集会游行   纪念伊战爆发6周年  3月19日,众多反战人士齐聚纽约举行大规模集会游行,纪念伊拉克战争爆发6周年,要求美国政府从伊拉克、阿富汗撤军。  2003年3月20日,美国以伊拉克拥有大规模杀伤性武器及与本·拉登相勾结为由,发动了对伊战争,造成伊拉克逾百万平民丧生,近五百万难民无家可归,而美国出兵的两条理由至今查无实据。美国总统奥巴马宣布,美将在明年8月底前从伊撤出作战部队,20