“健康中国行动:2030”是未来中国医疗卫生事业发展的主要方向和工作,其中行为危险因素控制与不良行为方式改变与行为医学的工作密不可分。慢性非传染性疾病的危险因素主要包括饮酒、吸烟、不健康饮食习惯、缺少运动。“行为决定健康”是行为医学过去、现在,乃至将来一以贯之的宣传、普及和实践的主题,具体实施的内容可围绕睡眠、运动与体质量控制、烟草与有害饮酒控制、饮食均衡与情绪调节等几方面的行为干预和教育,为提高全民健康素养水平和健康预期寿命作出行为医学工作者应有的贡献。“,”“ Health China: 2030” is an important program and great work of the Chinese health care development in the future. Because of the many none-communication diseases (NCDs) in China are associated with some behavioral risk factors (e.g. tobacco and alcohol use, physical inactivity, and unhealthy diet, etc.), the behavioral intervention focused on these behavioral risks and unhealthy life habits should be main work for behavioral medicine. “ Health is depended on the behavioral style” is always the topic of behavioral medicine promotion in China in the past, now and the future. The author recommends that the following behavioral risks control and intervention should be concerned in practice: sleep, physical inactivity and high body mass index, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet, depression and anxiety. If these behavioral risks and unhealthy life habits would be effective intervention or controlled, the sustainable development goal index and the healthy life expectancy in China will be improved further.