爱多小心翼翼地重现江湖。 8月底在北京闹出一个不大不小的动静,广东汕头爱多数码电子有限公司和广东爱多实业有限公司宣布,将向联合国教科文组织捐赠世界最大最重的翡翠玉雕巴米扬大佛。据称,这尊大佛估价1.6亿元人民币,用了1年零4个月雕琢而成。
Love more cautiously reproduce rivers and lakes. At the end of August, there was a slight change in Beijing. Guangdong Shantou Aiduo Digital Electronics Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Aiduo Industrial Co., Ltd. announced that it will donate the world’s largest and heaviest emerald jade Buddha to the Bamiyan Buddha. It is said that this statue of Buddha was valued at RMB 160 million and it was carved out in 1 year and 4 months.