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滑田友在未当右派而心情舒畅的时候,自觉地紧跟着学习了中共党史。通过学习他才知道了伟大、英明、正确的共产党走过的艰巨之路是何等壮丽。他越发佩服伟大领袖毛泽东的伟大,决心要为他塑像。这一点在一九四九年的开国大典上就已有此愿了。于是在一九五九年,他塑了《四十年代的毛主席》。他觉得那时的毛泽东虽然大部分时间身在陕北,但他胸怀全国,放眼世界,领导了中国人民的抗日战争和人民解放战争,并且取得了实打实的胜利。所以他突出刻划了毛主席所具有的军事家和战略家的风度。时隔两年后的一九六一年,中国遭受自然灾害的苗头刚刚显露,蒋介石在台湾张罗着反攻大陆,国内也有人怨声载道、嫌吃不饱肚子,据此便丧失了革命信心。滑田友看在眼里急在心上,终日担心革命事业会受到影响和损害。他想困难是暂时的,前途是光明的。他日夜想着毛主席、周总理此时一定也象他一样 In the absence of a rightist while enjoying a comfortable mood, Tadahito consciously followed the history of the Chinese Communist Party. Only by learning did he know how magnificent the wise, wise and correct Communist Party’s difficult journey was. He admired the great leader Mao Tse-tung’s greatness and determined to make a statue for him. This was already done in the founding ceremony of 1949. So in 1959 he molded “Chairman Mao in the 1940s.” He thought that although Mao Zedong was mostly in northern Shaanxi at that time, he had the whole nation and the world and led the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japan and the People’s Liberation War and achieved a real and fruitful victory. Therefore, he highlighted the demeanor of Chairman Mao Zedong’s strategists and strategists. A few years later, in 1961, the signs of China’s natural disaster were just revealed. Chiang Kai-shek extended a counter-offensive to Taiwan in Taiwan. Some people in China were resentful and were too hungry to lose their revolutionary confidence. Looking in the eyes of Tian Yuanyou anxiously, worried about the revolutionary cause all day will be affected and harmed. He thought the difficulties were temporary and the future was bright. He day and night thinking about Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou must also be like him at this time