近年来,我们信息中心努力强化服务意识,改进工作方法,从而使信息质量和服务效能又有了进一步的提高。我们的做法是: 一、抓住党的中心工作和市委的工作重点,搞好信息反馈。实践证明,只有围绕中心,抓住重点,把准领导脉搏,信息工作才能干到点子上,才能引起领导重视。围绕中心,把握重点,不仅需要对某一问题的准确把握,还需对事物前景、工作方向、工作全局的透彻了解。为此,我们通过多看文件、多参加会议,利用多渠道掌握各个时期党的路线、方针、政策和市委工作重点,做到了,解中心、贴近中心、服务中心,抓住重点、突出重点、反馈重点。
In recent years, our information center has been working hard to reinforce our service awareness and improve our working methods so that the quality of information and service efficiency have been further enhanced. Our approach is: First, seize the party’s central work and municipal priorities, do a good job in information feedback. Practice has proved that only around the center, seize the key to the quasi-leadership pulse, the information work can be done to the idea in order to arouse the attention of the leadership. Focusing on the center and grasping the key points requires not only an accurate grasp of a certain issue but also a thorough understanding of the future of things, the direction of work and the overall situation of the work. To this end, through more documents, more meetings, and using multiple channels to master the party’s lines, guidelines, policies and the municipal work priorities in various periods, we have done our best to solve the problems, focus on the centers and service centers, grasp the key points, Feedback focus.