[药名]:利民中药丹丸片系列[作用类别]:本中药丹丸片系列为非处方类药,全国民间均有出售。成份:三个代表,两个务必,一颗赤胆忠心。[丹丸片名称及效用]: 第一剂:黄莲苦志创业守业丹下基层多吃点苦, 不要指手画脚瞎指挥, 不要为了面子、政绩不惜一切代价。多想想人民的疾苦,勇于创业守业兴民族,为官一任,就是耍创业和守业。这就要求为官者一方面要不断创业,勇于开拓,另一方面要保护人民已经创下的基业。常言道:“创业容易,守业难。”但我们有
[Drug name]: Limin Chinese medicine Dan pill series [Role category]: Dan Dan tablets of this series of non-prescription drugs for the national folk are sold. Ingredients: Three representatives, two must, a bold and loyal. [Dan pill title and effectiveness]: The first agent: Huang Lin Bitter venture entrepreneurial occupation Dan bitter grassroots eat bitter, do not point out blind blind command, not to face, political achievements at all costs. Think more of the people’s sufferings and their courage to start their own businesses and promote their nation. This requires that officials, on the one hand, need to constantly start their own business and be bold in pioneering. On the other hand, they must protect the foundations that people have set. As the saying goes: “It’s easy to start a business and difficult to keep a business.” "But we have it