
来源 :中国德育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangmu2003
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2012年9月28日13时30分。四平市铁东区13所中小学校的10098名学生身穿蓝色满族服饰,聚在一起表演万人花棍舞。在激昂变幻的旋律下,所有学生手摇花棍,时而转身,时而蹲下,动作整齐划一,舞姿翩跹美妙,花棍上的“铜钱”不时叮零作响。历时8分30秒,表演结束。吉尼斯世界纪录认证官吴晓红宣布,万人花棍舞表演成功创造吉尼斯世界纪录!无论是人数还是表演过程,都非常精彩,符合吉尼斯纪录认证标准…… At 2830 hours on September 28, 2012. 10098 pupils from 13 primary and secondary schools in Tiedong District, Siping City were dressed in blue Manchu costumes and gathered together to perform Wanhua dance. In the passionate changing melody, all students shake hands, sometimes turning around, sometimes squatting, movements neatly unified, dance graceful, flower stick on the “coins” from time to time nibbling. Lasted 8 minutes and 30 seconds, the show ended. Wu Xiaohong, Guinness World Records Certification Officer, announced that Manpunish Dance successfully created the Guinness Book of Records. Both the number and the performance process are excellent and meet the Guinness Book of Records standards ...
【摘 要】新课改的教学要求之一,是要在教学过程中开展探究性教学。要有效地进行探究性教学,关键在于在教学活动中激活学生的思维。  【关键词】激活 思维 构建 探究 教学    在新一轮基础教育课程改革中,新的一种基本教育教学理念被提出来,即探究性教学。探究性教学之所以成为新课改的基本理念之一,是因为探究性教学方式能够促进学生掌握知识,培养学生的探究能力和科学素养,突出了“以学生为中心”的要求,其功能