An Analysis on the Writing Techniques in A Tale of Two Cities

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  Abstract:A Tale of Two Cities takes the French Revolution as the background,reflects sharp class antagonism and fierce class struggle in France and Britain,especially in Paris and London.Through the analysis of various characters’ experiences and human nature,it reveals the rationality of revolution and humanitarian perspective of revenge.On the basis of critical realism,the author analyzes the inner spiritual world of various characters with delicate strokes,expounds the rationality of revolution and the craziness of revenge in the background of revolution,and strongly advocates the spirit of benevolence and forgiveness to resolve hatred and change those distorted souls.This kind of benevolence spirit still has certain reference for today's society,and it might be enlightening in building a harmonious society.
  Key words:A Tale of Two Cities,character image,writing techniques
  1.The Application of Rhetoric in Shaping the Characters of the Novel
  Many critics have a great affirmation of Dickens's writing techniques,and there are no lack of symbolism in the book.Symbolism is a great feature of this book.Dickens is regarded as a master of symbolism.He not only focuses on the ideographic function of symbolism,but also consciously regards it as an effective way to reveal themes and render atmosphere.For example,Defarge symbolizes the goddess of fate;in the Anthony District,flowing red symbolizes revolution of human blood;small wood Sawyer,the scrape of sawn wood,symbolizes the beheaded action etc.He repeatedly used symbolism,increasing the content and depth of works.
  In the story,Charles Dickens cleverly uses two contrasting colors,red and gold,to expand and deepen the theme of the novel.Red in western culture refers to the color of blood."Red" often reminds westerners of "blood","revolution","violence" and "danger".Many visual images have a warning color.Dickens gave them different meanings to express the complex themes of the novel.Dickens firstly described red in a strong sense.A barrel of wine has gone,the hungry passer-by stops to grab the red wine,and the red wine is everywhere on the ground.This scene appears on the eve of the outbreak of the French Revolution.The ruling class of the chaos retroaction have no way to live.The hungry French want to overthrow the feudal aristocracy and improve the living conditions with violent revolution.
  In this novel,the author portrays a number of different types of people.For example,Dr.Mannet is honest and good,but he suffers persecution.Lucy is beautiful and noble;the sucking parrot is honest.Sydney is passive and indifferent,but also not selfless and lofty.Miss Pross is loyal;Alfred’s brother's cruelty.The author portrays them with different rhetorical devices.Everyone is vivid.We will analyze the two main figures,Carlton and Madame de Defarge Sydney.The author portrays the two characters by means of symbolism,which helps the author to fully express his thoughts.   1.2 Sense of Humor and Irony
  The novel fully embodies his sense of humor and his satire.His novels vividly show the mid nineteenth century in real life,such as some social ills and vulgar with humorous satire.He uses some unique language style of humor and irony hyperbole as a whole,and various ugly phenomenon in British society are ruthlessly exposed and criticized.For example,the judges are regarded as the blowfly in the court.
  Barsad is a hired spy and traitor,an unblushing trafficker in blood,and one of the greatest scoundrels upon earth.The author used many irony sentences to shape Barsad and Calais,these two negative characters.We can judge that these two people are bad through the sentences.The author used some commendatory terms to describe the spy,such as perfect,impeccable and patriot.In fact,they all do bad things and trap others.We can understand the author's purpose,and he compared the spy Barsad to Judas.From this metaphor,we can know that the author hated this kind of behavior.He attacked this evil act with ivory.
  2.The Role of Rhetoric in the Construction of Novels
  2.1Creating a Dark Atmosphere
  The author made a great deal of description of the manor.The manor appears to be solemn.We can see that he used "stone" to describe everything in the manor.Even those flowers are considered stone.The environment around the stone makes us feel cold and dark.Then,he used the stories to illustrate the manor that looked like Medusa of Greek mythology.Medusa's hair is composed by snakes.As long as people see her eyes,people will become stones.This reference is correct to reflect the author's intentions.The rhetorical function of this novel can better reflect its vividness and rendering tension.When describing uncle Carlton's dark manor,it is describes as being surrounded by forests and rivers.In a word,everything is uneasy.
  The use of rhetoric in the novel is successful.This not only helps the author to state his own views,but also helps the readers to dig deeper into the deep meaning of the work.Dickens used the true background in France,created fictional characters and plots to depict people's trauma and aristocratic luxury,hoping that the government could notice serious contradictions.[18] The author wrote the novel in order to warn the government.After the French Revolution,there would be a revolution in Britain.So he explored the dark and dirty side of society.He took this opportunity to state his statement.Besides,the author also appreciated that the hero Carlton sacrificed himself to save others.
  Works Cited
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  [2] 伍厚愷.《论<双城记>的艺术特色》[J] 四川大学学报:哲社版,1985,(4):31-32.
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  [4] 约翰·格劳斯.《狄更斯和二十世纪》:狄更斯论文集[C].上海:上海译文出版社,1981.
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摘 要:我们在做自己的设计的同时也有必要了解外国的设计发展,探讨可取之处,用以增进我们的专业进步和发展。本文就是以探讨田中一光的设计风格和理念的解析以及日本文化下现代设计和传统工艺的完美结合和对接,致使现代设计更为贴合民族特征和个性,成为独树一帜,风格独特优美而优秀的现代设计。  关键词:传统工艺;现代设计  1.田中一光设计概述与设计理念  对于日本设计界来说,田中一光开创了一个时代,是他一人的