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读中国历史这部大书,真让人一唱三叹,陶醉其间。中国历史是一部文化创造史,几乎所有分枝都从“文化”这棵大树上吸收营养,继而又有所馈补充主杆。上下几千年,不论造神,造物,人文思想始终渗透其间,使中国人的创造物呈现博大的智慧和独特的审美标准,散发着深沉的文化意识。从先秦诸子百家到“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”,中国文化已有一个较为完整的理论框架。等到儒、道、佛三教开始互相补充时,中国人文思想的灵思巧辩便达极致,可谓尽善尽美。孔子哲学里是“成人伦,助教化”的入世进取;庄子那里便是“傍徨乎尘垢之外,逍遥乎无为之业”的出世消极;到了佛学那里更是形而上学化了的“打坐参殚,升入涅”的超脱避世;孔子强调要“苦其心智,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤”才能担大任、得显耀;佛陀那里更要先当“苦行僧”才能超脱一个看不见、摸不着的“灵魂”;而在庄子那里却可帮你在今生观世便获得大自在、大舒坦、大安详,只要你能“随遇而安”、“顺应自然”,多么简便。所以,当庄子的思想被文人士大夫们集中、搓揉后,“崇 Reading this big book of Chinese history, really make people sing three sighs, reveling in the meantime. Chinese history is a history of cultural creation. Almost all branches absorb nutrients from the “culture” tree and then feed back the main pole. Up and down thousands of years, regardless of making God, creation, humane thought has always infiltrated during the show, so that Chinese people’s creation presents broad wisdom and unique aesthetic standards, exudes a profound cultural awareness. From the pre-Qin philosophers and hundreds of schools, they called for “striking down one hundred monasteries and respecting Confucianism alone.” There is a relatively complete theoretical framework for Chinese culture. When the three religions of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism begin to supplement each other, the spiritual thinking and cleverness of Chinese humanistic thoughts will reach the limit and be perfect. In Confucianism, Confucianism is an enterprising spirit of “joining the ranks of adults and helping others to help others.” Zhuangzi’s birth was negative because of the “joys and sorrows”; to Buddhism was metaphysical “meditation” , Into Nirvana “detached from the world; Confucius stressed the need to” bitter their minds, laboring its bones, hungry body “in order to take responsibility, to be renowned; Buddha there must first be” ascetic “in order to transcend an invisible, touching Of the ”soul,“ while in the Chuang Tzu there it will help you to feel at ease in this life, big comfortable, big serenity, as long as you can ”feel comfortable“, ”conform to nature,“ how easy. Therefore, when Zhuangzi’s thoughts were concentrated and rubbed by literati and doctor, ”Chong
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目前中国的文化市场的发展是积极的,大有前途的瞥!介冲依卜一一‘牛厂二氮杏下、直到近年仍然有人为市场 At present, the development of China’s cultural market is a p