所谓社会思潮,其实质是一定社会经济条件下的学术文化观点和实践在社会层面的相互作用、相互影响,以及它们与社会政治经济间相互制约的总和或总体特征。在一定时期,各种思想与流派并不是处在同一层面上,它们甚至是三维的、网状的结构。社会思潮与一般学术运动的本质区别是它不仅具有学术文化的背景和推动力,更有着广泛的实践性、群众基础和社会影响力,是动态性和相对稳定性的统一,是思想性和实践性的统一,是学术进步和社会影响的统一。 以强烈的批判性和反思性为主要特征的当代社会思潮诸流派,大都肇始于20
The so-called social trend of thought is essentially the sum or general characteristics of the academic and cultural perspectives and practices under certain social and economic conditions at the social level, as well as the mutual influence and mutual restraint between them and the social economy and politics. In a certain period of time, various thoughts and schools are not at the same level, they are even three-dimensional, reticular structures. The essential difference between social trend of thought and general academic movement is that it not only has the background and impetus of academic culture but also has extensive practicality, mass foundation and social influence, is the unity of dynamic and relative stability, and is ideological and practical The unification is the unification of academic progress and social influence. The genres of contemporary social thought characterized by intense criticism and reflexivity mostly begin with 20