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  1. Studying hard, you will succeed.
  2.____________you study hard, you will succeed.
  3. Study hard,____________you will succeed.
  答案:第一句是简单句,其中Studying hard 是现在分词短语用作条件状语,所以第二句If用来引导条件状语从句;第三句是祈使句加上简单句,因此用and来连接两个并列句。
  1. 表起始的连接词有:to begin with, first of all, according to, so far, as far as 等。
  2. 表时间的连接词有:first / firstly, second / secondly, nowadays, at present, recently, currently, in the meantime, at the same time, for the first time, ever since, while, shortly after, after that, after a while, afterward, later, next, the next moment, before long, in the future,finally, at last, in the end, eventually等。
  3. 表空间的连接词有:on the right / left, to the right / left of, on one side of... on the other side of..., at the foot / top / end of, at the bottom of, on top of, in the middle / center of, in front of, in the front of, at the back of, on the edge of, opposite to, close to, near to, next to, further on (再往前) 等。
  4. 表因果的连接词有:thanks to, because (of),due to, as a result(of...), with the help of..., owing to..., for this reason, since, accordingly, therefore, hence, as a consequence (of), in consequence, consequently, so, so that, therefore, thus, on account of等。
  5. 表轉折的过渡语有:however,but, otherwise, on the contrary / contrary to..., though, for one thing... for another..., yet, nevertheless, after all, in fact等。
  6. 表让步的连接词有:though, although, while (位于句首), as (倒装), in spite of, despite, even if, even though, no matter (who / what / when / where...), who / what / when where... ever等。
  7. 表例证和列举的连接词有:for example, take...as an example, for instance, that is to say, that is, as a matter of fact, namely, for instance, such as, like, as follows, in other words, and so on等。
  8. 表并列的连接词有and, or, as well as, both...and..., not only...but (also), including, either... or..., not...but..., including等。
  9. 表递进的连接词有:whats more, furthermore, moreover, in addition, as well as, besides, apart from this, nor, not only...but also, too, on the one hand...on the other hand..., for one thing...for another, worse still, to make matters worse等。   10. 表强调的连接词有:especially, particularly, notably, indeed, at least, at the most, in the world / on earth, not at all, in particular, chiefly, in detail, mainly等。
  11. 表态度的连接词有:fortunately, luckily, unfortunately, undoubtedly, admittedly, certainly, oddly, oddly enough, strangely enough等。
  12. 表解释说明的连接词:that is, that is to say, in other words, and so on, and the like等。
  13. 表总结用语有:in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, overall, in short, in summary, briefly / in brief; generally speaking, in a word, as you know, as is known to all等。
  Underline all the linking words and write them under the correct headings in the table below.
  Today, many developing countries are heavily in debt. In fact, most of them have debts that can never be paid. During the 1970s and 1980s, many developing countries borrowed money from developed countries. However, very high interest rates have created a situation where countries in the developing world now spend $13 on debt repayment for every $1 that they received. Therefore, these countries will never be able to repay the money. As a result, these countries are always struggling to catch up on their repayments; government finances that could be spent on health, education and longterm development are instead used for debt repayment. This means that a countrys debt weakens its development.
  Moreover, as debt continues to rise, poverty will remain a problem in developing countries. To stop the rise of debt, the World Development Movement is campaigning for rich countries to cancel debts owed by developing countries. The WDM is working hard, but developing world debt is still a problem. As long as these debts remain, developing countries will feel the economic squeeze, and they will be unable to focus on longterm development to end poverty.
  Time sequenceCause and effectContrastingAdditionOther
  Put the following sentences in the correct order to form a welldeveloped paragraph. Write the letters in the boxes below.
  1. Another way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English news programmes on TV or to listen to English radio programmes.
  2. Today, I would like to tell you about different ways to study English.
  3. I have been doing all these things, so I have made great progress in learning English.
  4. Besides focusing on listening and writing skills, you should also take every opportunity to speak English in and after class.   5. Second, you may find it helpful to watch English films, as it can help you practice your English listening, and it makes listening English a lot more interesting.
  6. For example, you can read articles in an English newspaper like China Daily.
  7. First, you should be sure to read something in English every day.
  8. Third, you should work on your English writing by doing something like keeping a diary in English or writing to an Englishspeaking penfriend.
  9. In this way, you can use English every day and improve your fluency.
  10. However, if newspapers do not interest you, you may choose a novel that appears to you and read one or two pages everyday.
   → → → → → → → → →
  Time sequenceCause and effectContrastingAdditionOther
  during the 1970s and 1980s; astherefore;
  as a resulthowever;
  butmoreoverin fact; as long as; still
一、单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)  1. The manager calls on every employee to join in the program everyones contribution makes a difference.  A. whenB. what  C. whichD. where  2. It is high time that the manag
Unit 1  一、重点词汇  1. reflect v.  【点拨】 “反射;反映,表现”如:Mirrors reflect light. 镜子能反射光线。  【拓展】 reflect on“思考”,如:The investigation reflects on her character. 调查 (的结果) 表明她的品格是有问题的。reflection n.“反射,反照”,如:Can you
与“复兴传统文化”这一重大国策相呼应,已经近二十年难觅踪影的“文化常识”考点于2015年再度登陆全国高考试卷,随之江苏卷文言文考查悄然“变脸”,“文化常识”考题成为2017年江苏卷亮点题型之一。2018年《考试说明》(江苏版)明确将“了解并掌握常见的古代文化知识”列为考点。毋庸置疑,在古诗文阅读中考查古代文化知识必将成为2018年高考的热门考题。  回溯高考对这一考点的考查,我们发现这一考点呈现“
阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  近日,肖女士在外就餐不慎遗落婚戒。次日发觉后,找到餐厅老板。餐厅老板联系负责餐馆所在片区的垃圾收集班,请他们帮忙寻找。当天值班的三个环卫工顶着烈日,忍着垃圾散发出来的恶臭,用火钳、铲子等工具翻捡了8吨多垃圾,忙了两个多小时,终于在一堆螃蟹壳里找到了那枚价值3万多元的婚戒。肖女士再三表示感谢,并主动购买几瓶水送给环卫工人。环卫工也表示,能帮她找
抒情散文,是指抒发作者主观情感的散文。富有情感,是所有散文的共同特征,但与其他散文类型相比,抒情散文情感更强烈,想象更丰富,语言更具有诗意。抒情散文主要运用象征、比兴、拟人等手法,通过对外在形象的描绘来传达作者的情思。  一、写景抒情  你为什么要流走  文/鲍尔吉·原野  (1)布尔津河像长方形的餐桌,碧绿色的台面等待摆上水果和面包的篮子。河水在岸边有一点小小的波纹,好像桌布的褶皱。(文题中的“
[文题展示]  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。  历史上的名医很少有出版自己的医方的。中国的神医扁鹊,只在传说中有谈医理的书,并不留医方。神医华佗,传说生前写过一本能使人起死回生的书,被人烧掉,叫人顿足惋惜。直到今天,医生仍不喜欢,甚至不允许病人带走药方。良医不让医方广为流传,不是嫌医方不善,而是忧用医方的人不善。  要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要脱离材料内
从近几年的江苏新课标高考命题来看,解析几何主要考查直线方程、圆方程和圆锥曲线方程、直线与圆的位置关系、直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系以及圆锥曲线的有关性质,考题以两小一大形式出现,即两个填空题,一个解答题,小题主要考查解析几何的基础知识,解答题以解析几何综合题的形式出现,考查同学们综合应用解析几何知识解决问题的能力.那么在解析几何高考命题中,哪些是常考不衰的考点呢?  考点一、直线方程  直线方程一直是
托物言志散文,是指以托物言志为主要表现手法创作的散文。托物言志,就是通过对物的描写和叙述,表现作者的志向和意愿。写植物,就是要写出这一植物的形状、大小、颜色等特点。写动物,就是要写出这一动物的形状、大小、习性等特点。写器物,就是要写出这一器物的形状、大小、体积、颜色、质地等特点。但无论怎样,我们还是要透过这些物的外在特征,去联想这些特征背后的有关人的特性,从而掌握作者所要表达的“志”。  一、托植
从2008年开始,江苏省高考增添了附加题,分值达40分,今年已计入总分。加试题的难度明显高于第一卷的试题,而考试只给考生30分钟时间,难度大,时间紧,怎样有效提高文科学生高考的成绩,这是值得我们在高考复习中认真研究的。在这40分中,文学作品的阅读占15分。笔者在这里就如何提高文科学生准确把握文学作品的内容,进而提高高考成绩谈一点粗浅的看法。    首先,同学们对古今中外一些重要的作家作品要做总览和
与往年相比,2015年高考诗歌鉴赏类试题的题量、题型和分值基本保持不变,但考查重点有所转移。2015年高考诗歌鉴赏的考查内容主要集中在三个方面,即表达技巧、思想感情和语言特色,同时也涉及少量的诗歌形象、内容赏析等考点,难度也有所增加。为了帮助同学们了解题型设置特点,掌握命题规律,提升答题技巧,现谨对2015年高考诗歌鉴赏试题做一分类解析,希望对广大考生有所裨益。  题型一:表达技巧  诗歌要表情达