在有关“文德”的议论中,一向是把一稿多投视为“缺德”。果真缺德吗?以我之见,未必尽然. 在众多的业余者中,确有那么一些热衷于追名逐利之辈,一稿既成,便来个“排炮”式多投造成多家报刊编辑的重复性劳动。对此冠以缺德,理所当然。然而,大多数投稿者并非如此。笔者接触了不少新闻写作爱好者,他们愿意恪守“文德”,不一稿多投,然而稿子寄出后,
In the discussion on “Wende”, it has always been regarded as a “lack of morality” for more than one manuscript. In my opinion, it may not be possible. Of the many amateurs, there are indeed those who are passionate about chasing fame and fortune. When a manuscript is completed, he can come up with a number of newspapers and editors Repetitive work. This is a lack of virtue, of course. However, most contributors do not. I contacted a lot of news writers, they are willing to abide by the “Wende”, not a vote more than vote, but the manuscript is sent,