Pippen’s greatest achievement may be as the youngest of the 12 children in his family, looking around his shantytowns and then making sure his life changes. “Do you believe it? I used to always dream of success.” “Pippen said. ”I always feel that I will be rich, I can succeed. Only in this way can it become a reality.“ ”Pippen was born in Hamburg, Arkansas, parents are farmers, when he was only 5 years old, his father was serious Stroke, which hit Pippen a lot. He developed a taciturn character from an early age. Poor family make him ambitious, to display their talent on the basketball court. But in fact, all those dreams are vividly imagined, because Pippen did not have an example to imitate. Arkansas hamburger is a small place with a population of only 3,100 people. It has never been a celebrity or a rich man. If you live there for a long time, you may be like Pippen’s father, to find a job in the local paper mills, to work with satisfaction, endure suffering. Pippen’s happiest memories of his father did not have anything to do with sports and Christmas, and his happiest memories were waiting. Every day, he watched anxiously in front of the window, waiting for his father’s skewed figure due to stroke exhausted, difficult to walk home.