患者女性,51岁,右侧鼻塞伴间歇性鼻出血3年余。入院前1个月患者感右鼻腔阻塞。以右鼻咽部新生物收入院。查体:无贫血貌,皮肤黏膜无瘀点瘀斑,胸骨无压痛。血常规、凝血功能、肝肾功能、心电图均正常。血沉28 mm/h,C反应蛋白:15 mg/L。CT:右鼻咽部不规则高密度影。外院PET-CT考虑右鼻咽部非霍奇金淋巴瘤。骨髓涂片示:正常骨髓象。行右鼻咽部新生物活检。病理检查巨检:灰黄、灰红色不规则组织多块,共
Female patient, 51 years old, right stuffy nose with intermittent epistaxis more than 3 years. One month before admission, the patient felt a right nasal obstruction. To the right nasopharynx new biological income hospital. Physical examination: no anemia, skin and mucous membrane petechiae, sternal no tenderness. Blood, coagulation, liver and kidney function, ECG are normal. ESR 28 mm / h, C-reactive protein: 15 mg / L. CT: irregular high-density nasopharyngeal shadow. Outside the hospital PET-CT consider the right nasopharyngeal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Bone marrow smear shows: normal bone marrow. OK right nasopharyngeal biopsy. Pathological examination macroscopic examination: gray, irregular red-gray tissue, a total of