灰蒙蒙的天宇,罩住雄踞川湘鄂边的八面山,山野天际一片混沌。寒风呼啸,刮来一阵阵雨雪。在这样的天气,却有一些行人沿着通四川、湖南、湖北、贵州的泥泞山道奔来,聚集到八面山脚的里耶镇。 入夜,国民党湖南八区副专员兼保安副司令师兴周宅内,四川省八区专员庹贡庭和宋希濂委任的暂编第一军军长陈子贤等,边抽大烟边策划反共对
Overcast gray sky, covering the edge of Sichuan and Hunan Province Ebon Bama mountain, mountainous sky a chaos. Wind whistling, blowing snow shower. In such weather, some pedestrians rush along muddy trails that pass through Sichuan, Hunan, Hubei and Guizhou and gather at Lière at the foot of Bamei Mountain. At night, Kuomintang Hunan eight districts deputy commissioner and security deputy commander Xing Habitat home, eight districts in Sichuan Province Commissioner 庹 tribunal and Song Xi 濂 commissioned by the first military commander Chen Zixian, while smoking big while planning anti-communist