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区别于传统的板书、普通话、下水作文等技能,我认为可以将文本解读与组织课堂教学视为当下语文教师最重要的两个新基本功。在课程标准代替教学大纲与教参解放了教师后,语文教师的文本解读能力已经越来越显示出它的重要性;从相反的角度来看,也可将这个解放看成一次“放天足”,对 Different from the traditional blackboard, mandarin, writing skills and other skills, I think that text interpretation and organization of classroom teaching can be regarded as the most important two new basic skills for current language teachers. After the curriculum standard has replaced the syllabus and teaching reference to liberate the teachers, the ability of Chinese teachers to interpret texts has increasingly shown its importance. From the opposite point of view, this liberation can also be regarded as a “ ”,Correct
【摘要】考虑到小学生心智发育不成熟、自控能力差、认知能力差的情况,小学语文阅读教学应当摒弃传统的、单一的教学方式方法,优化思路,合理调整教学,如此才能使教学活动贴近学生,紧紧围绕学生展开,让学生在教学活动中获得知识、获得快乐,促进学生良好地成长。那么,如何对小学语文阅读教学予以优化呢?本文将参考相关资料着重分析和探讨这一问题。  【关键词】小学时期;语文阅读教学;优化思路  【中图分类号】G623