目前,我国经济以每年不低于10%的速度增长,市场需求不断扩大,但国有企业产品积压情况却很严重,这究竟应归咎于市场疲软还是产品疲软?笔者认为,目前国有企业产品滞销是由产品疲软引起的。 产品疲软有竞争性产品疲软和结构性产品疲软之分。治理竞争性产品疲软的主要措施有以下几个方面: 1、努力降低产品成本,推行倒逼成本方法。产品价格高低直接决定着产品的竞争力和对
At present, China’s economy grows at a rate of no less than 10% a year, and market demand continues to expand. However, the state of product backlog in state-owned enterprises is very serious. Should this be attributed to weak markets or weak products? The author believes that the current state-owned enterprises’ product sales are Caused by a weak product. The weakness of the product is the weakness of competitive products and the weakness of structural products. The main measures to deal with the weakness of competitive products are the following: 1. Efforts to reduce product costs, and implement cost-cutting methods. Product prices directly determine the competitiveness of products and