As Manhattan’s Chinatown Changes, Food Vendors Keep a Bit of the Old with the New 唐人街今昔殊异,食品商新旧兼容

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  Even when I lived hours away, Manhattan’s Chinatown was my family’s destination for groceries. Decades back, you couldn’t find the same variety and quality of Chinese produce, meats and dried goods1 in most of the Mid-Atlantic2. But that’s changed.
   Cheaper options in Flushing, Queens; Sunset Park, Brooklyn; and elsewhere in the city have drawn working-class Chinese immigrants away from this neighborhood bordered by trendy SoHo3 and TriBeCa4. As Chinatown’s population changes, what will happen to the grocers and specialty food stores that feed the community?
   I spoke to some food shopkeepers, who ran first- and second-generation family businesses in Chinatown. Their answers both surprised and inspired me and suggested that while some see a neighborhood in decline, others see merely a transition.
   Lewis Wu, 50, lives in Hong Kong Supermarket, 157 Hester Street. After immigrating from Burma, his father opened his first store in 1973, a small dry goods grocery on East Broadway in Chinatown. Business was brisk5, especially on Chinese New Year’s. “It was actually like a can of sardines6.” Mr. Wu reminisced7, “long lines throughout the whole day.”
   And Mr. Wu loved it. Choosing products and seeing what sells at what price was like running little experiments for him. So while his sisters went into medicine and dentistry, he chose the family business. With two floors and 17,000 square feet, Hong Kong Supermarket is one of the largest in Chinatown and larger than most grocery stores in Manhattan: The store has several tanks for live fish and shellfish, a butcher section, a back wall entirely for frozen goods, and a lower level for kitchenware, herbs, rice and noodles.
   Just a few years ago, Hong Kong Supermarket expanded its selection of non-Asian products, like yogurts and cold cuts8, though Mr. Wu explained that it wasn’t just non-Chinese customers who had asked for it. While his customer base used to be more first-generation Chinese, he said now he saw more second-generation Chinese-Americans along with non-Asians.
   And Mr. Wu’s family also opened stores in East Brunswick, N.J., and Flushing, Queens, to tap into9 growing Asian communities outside Chinatown. “Like dinosaurs,” said Mr. Wu, “if you don’t change with the environment, you won’t be here.” But he added that despite the relative higher rent in Chinatown, the volume of sales at the Hester Street store still made it the most profitable.
   Paul Eng, 51, lives in Fong On, tofu store, 81 Division Street. He really wants to appeal to everybody. His new shop will offer riffs10 on Asian foods to attract younger customers who are into the “snacking, foodie culture,” basically, quick bites, usually novel and Instagram-able11, that could be sweet or savory.    The store will also sell conventional tofu, other soy-based products and sticky rice cake to serve older Chinatown residents. “I still want to serve the community,” Mr. Eng said. Though Mr. Eng has a family history in the tofu business (his father owned Fong Inn Too on Mott Street, the oldest tofu and noodle shop in the city), this new store is a somewhat surprising turn for him.
   He had long disliked working at his family’s store. “Any little thing that needed attending to, it had to be done right away, seven days a week,” said Mr. Eng, who was the youngest child. So a few years ago, when his parents and older brothers asked if he wanted to take over the business, he had no interest. Fong Inn Too, known as Hong An, was closed in February 2017.
   Now though, at 51 with two young children, Mr. Eng is looking for a steady job instead of freelance12 photography. He had spent 10 years as a commercial photographer in Russia, where he met his wife. But unlike the original shop owned by his father, the new shop will serve foods like soy custards13 topped with red and mung beans, boba14 or grass jelly15, a combination he was introduced to while visiting Taiwan.
   “Who knew?” Mr. Eng’s eyes brightened. “I’ve eaten all this stuff in separate parts my whole life, but together? Oh my God!” The name will still be Hong An, this time transliterated16 as Fong On. “I’m going to put everything that I know into it,” Mr. Eng added. “The photography, the marketing, the art direction.” I asked Mr. Eng what his father, who has died, would say about his return to the tofu business after so many years of resistance. His answer: “I told you so.”
   Zee Ying Wong lives in Aqua Best Seafood, 276 Grand Street. The customers, and even the vendors, call her “Mommy.” Though she’s not in charge anymore, she still manages the register17 at Aqua Best and enjoys chats with longtime customers.
   “It would be boring to stay home,” she said. About 30 years ago, after Ms. Wong’s husband passed away, she built up the current business, now managed by her two sons, Freeman, 42, and Steven Wong, 39, along with other family members. But she still comes every day “to point out the things they should pay attention to and how to solve problems,” she added.
   One entire wall of this spacious store is occupied by glass tanks, filled with barramundi, spotted shrimp, whelk, Dungeness crabs, king crabs and lobsters. In the center are trays of razor clams and other shellfish next to several types of iced fish, and a bucket of frogs near the back (so as not to scare the non-Chinese customers, Steven Wong explained).    Freeman Wong spent 10 years in the finance industry. But when his job required a move to Ohio, he decided in 2004 to dedicate himself full time to Aqua Best. “I needed a little bit of time to figure out what I wanted to do,” he said. The business and its block have changed a lot since then. Its neighbors used to be a handful of other Chinese-owned seafood shops, now replaced by an ice cream shop and a Vietnamese restaurant among others.
   And wholesale makes up 90 percent of its revenue now, with restaurant clients like Blanca and Del Posto, along with nearby Chinese restaurants. Steven and Freeman Wong have partnered with a former executive chef from the restaurant Talde to open a seafood market and restaurant called Essex Pearl.
   The menu won’t be strictly Chinese, but rather a mix of Jewish, Hispanic, and Asian cuisines, a homage18 to the neighborhood’s history. Freeman Wong said, “The second and third generation, we’re bringing our own ideas of what Chinatown should be.”
  长久以来,他一直不愿在自家店里工作。伍先生是家里的老小。他说:“任何小事,凡要处理的,都得说做就做,一周七天都这样。”所以,几年前当父母和哥哥们问他有无意愿接手生意时,他表示不感兴趣。于是,“宏安”(英文名称为Fong Inn Too)在2017年2月关张了。
  “谁能想到呢?”伍先生双眼一亮,“这些东西我一辈子都是分开吃的,可是要混在一起吃?哦,天呐!”新店店名仍是宏安,现在的英文名称则音译为Fong On。“我打算把自己熟悉的一切元素都纳入其中,”伍先生补充说,“包括摄影、市场营销、美术设计。”我问他,多年抗拒之后又回归豆腐生意,对此,父亲若在世会作何评价。他的回答是:“你早该听我的。”   王徐婴经营格兰街276号的“福旺海产”。顾客乃至商贩都称呼她“妈咪”。她虽不再掌店,但仍管理收银,而且喜欢和老顾客聊天。
  1 dried goods干货,干制食品,指不含水分的固态食品,如米、面、坚果、茶叶等,同后文的dry goods。  2包括美国纽约、宾夕法尼亚、新泽西、马里兰、西弗吉尼亚、特拉华和弗吉尼亚等七个州,首都华盛顿也位于该地区,因地处美国大西洋海岸中部而得名。  3为South of Houston之略,是纽约的一处商业区。  4为Triangle Below Canal Street之略,是纽约的一处豪华社区。
  5 brisk(生意)红火的。  6 like a can of sardines挤得像沙丁鱼罐头似的,挤得满满的。  7 reminisce回忆,追忆。  8 cold cuts冷切肉,即切片冷食的熏肉、腌肉、火腿或香肠等。
  9 tap into开发(资源、市场等)。  10 riff变化形式。  11 Instagram-able值得在社交平台分享的。Instagram是一款移动社交应用软件,允许用户拍摄照片和视频,并分享到社交网络。
  12 freelance自由职业的。  13 soy custard豆花,豆腐脑。  14 boba粉圆,用于珍珠奶茶,由木薯粉制成。  15 grass jelly仙草冻,由仙草粉制成,是福建著名小吃。  16 transliterate音译。
  17 register收银机,亦作cash register。
  18 homage致敬,表示敬意的做法。
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