
来源 :中国报业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigsoul
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当前,大学生在各行各业的就业状态渐趋饱和,造成大学生就业难、生存压力大,创业成为大学生寻找梦想、实现价值的一个新热潮。但由于社会环境的影响,加上自身专业水平不高和实践经验缺乏,大学生在创业过程中面临种种困难和挫折,如何始终保持健康的心态接受挑战呢?作为坚持思想政治教育为目的的思政类报刊,这种资源能否对大学生创业起到指导作用?针对以上问题,本文分析了思政类报刊资源的特点,阐述思政类报刊对大学生创业有必要性,并重点分析大学生创业过程中思政类报刊资源的指导作用。 At present, college students in all walks of life gradually saturated the status of employment, resulting in college students employment difficulties, survival pressure, entrepreneurship has become a university student looking for a dream, a new boom to achieve value. However, due to the impact of the social environment, coupled with their own professional level is not high and lack of practical experience, college students face difficulties and setbacks in the process of entrepreneurship, how to always maintain a healthy attitude to accept the challenge? As the ideological and political education to uphold the ideological and political education Class newspapers and periodicals, whether such resources can guide college students’entrepreneurship? In view of the above problems, this article analyzes the characteristics of ideological and political newspapers and periodicals, expounds the necessity of ideological and political newspapers and periodicals for college students ’entrepreneurship, and analyzes emphatically the undergraduates’ entrepreneurial process The Guiding Role of Newspapers and Periodicals in Ideology and Politics.
随着MCMC(Markov chain Monte Carlo)方法的引进,Bayes方法在医学领域得到了广 泛应用.但目前,国内的医学应用还很少见有报道.该研究对医学研究中的Bayes理论与方 法进行了探
目的 探讨葡多酚对人静脉血淋巴细胞增殖活性的影响。 (1) 研究葡多酚对正常人血淋巴细胞增殖活性的促进作用。 (2) 研究葡多酚对人血淋巴细胞增殖活性辐射损伤的防护作用。 (3) 研究葡多酚对放疗病人血淋巴细胞增殖活性的影响。 方法 抽取21名健康青年女性和5名放疗病人的静脉血,每份血样分成高剂量GPC、低剂量GPC和对照三个组。(1)健康女性的静脉血加入GPC后