Objective To investigate the significance of the combined detection of P504S, P63 and ck / 34BE12 in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant prostatic diseases. Methods 40 cases of benign and malignant prostate biopsy and resection specimens were collected for routine HE and immunohistochemical observation combined with the literature. RESULTS: Prostate carcinoma stained P63 (-), P504S (+), ck / 34BE12 (-), P63 (+), P63 ), P504S (+), ck / 34BE12 (+); benign lesions P63 (+), P504S (-), ck / 34BE12 (+). Conclusions P504S stained for prostate adenocarcinoma and PIN cytoplasm, P63, ck / 34BE12 stained PIN and benign prostatic basal cell nucleus. On the same slice, basal cells and cancer cells were also shown by two stains. The benign glands were single P63 and ck / 34BE12 were stained. The malignant glands were single P504S stained. The color glands of both were mostly Therefore, the combination of negative antibody (P63, ck / 34BE12) and positive antibody (P504S) for the diagnosis of prostate cancer is the best indicator to identify benign and malignant prostate tumors.