为探讨南方地区草莓的适宜栽培方式 ,进行了露地栽培、平地水培、高台水培三种方式比较试验。结果显示 ,以高台水培栽培的草莓产量最高 ( 689kg/ 667m2 ) ,比平地水培和露地栽培的分别高出 78.6%和 1 2 4 .6%;露地栽培和水培的果实采收期有一定的互补性。因此 ,生产上同时采用露地栽培和高台水培 ,则可延长采果期 ,提高经济效益
In order to discuss the suitable cultivation methods of strawberry in the southern area, three methods of field cultivation, flatland water culture and high water table culture were compared. The results showed that the highest strawberry yield (689kg / 667m2) was obtained in the high water table cultivation, which was 78.6% and 122.4% higher than that in the flat water cultivation and the open field cultivation respectively. The harvest time of the open field cultivation and hydroponic cultivation was Some complementarity. Therefore, the production of both open-field cultivation and high-water cultivation, you can extend the harvesting period, improve economic efficiency