在庆祝我们伟大祖国——中华人民共和国建国50周年的前夕,我与老伴及另一对离退休老友夫妇,从哈尔滨出发去虎林市,行程800余公里,参观了虎头要塞群中的虎头东山要塞。山峦起伏连绵,林木杂草丛生。我们进入一片荒凉寂寞之地。不久,车停在虎头东山要塞的入口处。一老一少二位要塞守卫管理者迎接了我们。年仅17岁的少年邵长春以导游身份带领我们进入地下,在这里的所见所闻,勾起了我们对于往昔的苦难回忆。历史的遗迹从狭窄的坡度较大的入口阶梯走下去,潮湿、阴冷立刻向你周身袭来。这里在1 943年前后驻扎着12000多日本官兵。1945年8月9日至26日这半个多月的时间里有一千多日军战死在这里。当年,日本军国主义原本是准备做为侵略苏联西伯利亚地区的前沿阵地,竟然成为埋葬他们自己的墓穴!
On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the founding of our great motherland, the People’s Republic of China, I, my husband and another retired couple, departed from Harbin to Hulin City for a journey of 800 kilometers and visited the Fortress Group Tiger head fortress. Rolling hills, trees overgrown. We enter a desolate lonely place. Soon, the car parked in the tiger’s head fortress entrance. One old and one young fortress guard managers greet us. Shao Changchun, a 17-year-old boy, led us into the underground as a tour guide. What we see and heard here reminds us of our memories of the past. The ruins of history go down from the narrow, steep entry ladder, damp and cold immediately hit you. Here more than 12,000 Japanese officers and soldiers were stationed around 1943. Over a half-month period from August 9 to August 1945, more than 1,000 Japanese troops were killed in this war. That year, Japanese militarism was originally prepared to invade the frontiers of the Soviet Union in the Siberia area, even becoming the burial their own crypt!